2- The whole truth

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Lucy decided to dress up and try to make it look as effortless as Ellen. Astrid was right something was up, and she was going to figure it out. No one would mess with Axel or Liam. Lucy just couldn't figure it out. What could this Ellen person want? Why she would pretend to be his sister made no sense. Did she know he was a werewolf? Or was it pure coincidence? Lucy put on a knee-length royal blue dress, and black flats curled her hair and tucked it up into a French knot. She left a few strands falling down to frame her face. Olivia's was the nicest restaurant in town, and the food was binge-worthy. Lucy and Axel ate there often since they were both food freaks. Plus, Axel's foster dad owned the place, so it helped they didn't have to pay for anything. Lucy walked in and spotted Ellen and Axel. It was strange because they did look like twins, female and male versions of the other, but if Astrid couldn't feel her wolf, what did that mean? Axel stood to pull Lucy's chair out for her. He already ordered her a spicy virgin Cesar her favourite. Axel was a complete gentleman and always so thoughtful, never forgetting her birthday or noticing when she needed a pick me up. Whoever his mate is would be super lucky. “so Lucy Axel tells me you are planning a trip around the US when you graduate? That sounds amazing. Where are you planning on going first?” “I haven't decided yet. I was thinking of just picking a spot on the map and going from there.” She lied. She knew exactly where she was going. First, Montana to confront her family. They had usual dinner conversation likes dislikes. Ellen talked about her foster family, her Aunt Bonnie. It wasn't until Axel left to go to the restroom that the first warning sign showed up. “So, Ellen, you were quick to visit when the Monroe's called you,” Lucy stated. “ I was excited to meet my brother. I've always felt so alone like I never fit anywhere,” Ellen admitted. “So you aren't close with your foster family? You made it seem like you were so close earlier,” Lucy shot a little snippily. “Why are you interrogating me?” Ellen shot back with just as much attitude. “Just a question, whatever connotation you put on it is all you!” Lucy spat. “ I can see you don't like me!” Ellen said with a fake sad face. Lucy softened a bit. “I am very protective of Axel. You showing up all of a sudden seems weird to me. I'm sorry if you thought anything else. Do you like running?” Lucy asked, seemingly changing the subject. “Oh no, I'm not too fond of exercise and nature. I'm a pretty big city girl.” “Hmm, so no running at all?” Ellen looked at Lucy like she had an angle and replied, “not even in the gym.” Astrid started to stir in Lucy's mind again. Lucy knew she was getting agitated. Lucy tried to beg Astrid to settle and not make a scene. Astrid said to ask her what she thinks of werewolves. "No way!" lucy screamed in her mind. "Do it! What wolf doesn't like running???It's almost impossible for a wolf to give birth to twins, one being a wolf one being human. If you won't protect Axel and Liam, I will!" And with that, Astrid made a half shift, and when she did, Ellen grabbed the silver knife from the bread basket and stabbed Lucy's hand by sticking it to the table. They were in the back booth, so not many people could see them, but a bus girl who walked by started screaming. Axel appeared shortly after that, and Astrid was on the verge of a complete shift. When Lucy finally got partial control, Axel pulled the knife out of Lucy's hand and turned to Ellen, but Ellen was gone. Axel wrapped Lucy's hand in a kitchen towel and walked them into his dad's office. Axel didn't say anything for a few minutes. Those few minutes felt like a lifetime to Lucy. Finally, he spoke, but he addressed Astrid, only it wasn't Axel. It was Liam. "Astrid, are you alright. Did that woman hurt you?" His voice was lower, much raspier than Axel's voice. Lucy had never heard Liam in human form speak as this only Astrid behaved like that. Lucy let Astrid come forward to talk to Liam briefly. "I am fine, but that woman is not your sister. She has no wolf. She is human." Liam exhaled slowly. "You don't know the whole story. She is not a werewolf. She is a witch. A hybrid won't be able to shift into her wolf until she meets her mate. That's if her mate is a wolf. If her mate is a warlock, she will not have a wolf. I didn't have time to explain anything to you before she showed up. I wanted to tell you everything. Ellen grew up with my Aunt, and she knows a lot about my family history. I didn't know where to start. Astrid, I understand why you did what you did. You are my best friend, and I know you want to protect me, but you can't put Lucy in danger like that. There was a restaurant full of humans. They are all going to expect answers. Once I find Ellen meet me at our spot, we will go for a run." He leaned over and ran his thumb over Lucy's bloody but healing hand. With that, he gave control back to Axel. Axel immediately threw his arms around Lucy and held her tight until Astrid gave her back control. Lucy just sobbed softly in Axel's arms. "I am so sorry I was gone so long, Lucy. I ran into some guys from the shop,"Axel explained. Lucy caught her breath and spoke shakily. "Axel, it is not your job to hover over me, keeping Astrid at bay. You've been responsible for me for too long. You can't be with me all the time. You know I was so jealous that Ellen was your sister I felt like she was taking my place. I'm like your sister." Axel chuckled softly and released Lucy from his firm hold. "No one, and I mean no one, will ever replace you Luc." Axel was able to talk Ellen into meeting with Lucy again, this time with all the information. "I am sorry I stabbed you, Lucy. Your wolf is crazed. I have only ever met one other wolf that was wild and untamed. She is currently in a supernatural recovery center," Ellen explained. Fear washed over Axel, and he listened to the signs of what put this other wolf there. Lucy didn't belong in a recovery center, but Astrid might. Axel could take care of them. They didn't need anyone's help but his. Lucy asked so many questions about the other wolf she was excited she wasn't alone and that there might be hope for her to figure out what's going on with her wolf. Astrid started to talk to Lucy, telling her that she would not be caged, so do not even think about it. "Lanie and I were close all through school, and then she got her wolf, and she went almost mad. She killed humans whenever she got stressed, and sad her parents died when she was five, so she had no one to help her. Our Aunt, a very powerful witch, put Lanie's Wolf to sleep until she turns 18. They were hoping she'd find her mate and he could calm her wolf, but apparently, Bennet wolves are the strongest wolves. They come from pure Alpha bloodline and need proper training from a young age, or they go feral." Lucy and Axel both gasped at the same time. "What did you say?"Axel choked out? "Bennet wolves?" Ellen looked worried at their expressions and repeated herself. Lucy said "I'm a Bennet wolf........" silence fell on them. Axel hadn't slept in days. He was so stressed out about Astrid being a Bennet wolf, he made Lucy train harder and harder. Lucy was exhausted, and she couldn't keep this up. Ellen had decided to finish her school year here with them to help train Lucy to prevent her from having the same fate as Lanie. Something else was bothering Axel. He couldn't shake the feeling, how odd it was that Lanie and Lucy both lost their parents, and they were both Bennet wolves. Could they be related more than just the name? He didn't want to bring it up to Lucy in case Astrid lost it again. Then Ellen had an idea. "I think we've been thinking this the wrong way. Have you ever trained in wolf form?" "Only running,It was only to tire Astrid out." Lucy explained,The more running she did, the better she stayed put and didn't force herself forward. "know a small spell I can temporarily put Astrid to sleep if she gets out of hand. Let's try training in wolf form," Ellen suggested. Axel looked shocked, He never thought of this before. Could it work? Axel had been doing martial arts since he was placed with the Monroe's. They all did it as a family, so it was easy for him to train Lucy, plus he liked bossing her around. Axel paused to have a small conversation with Liam. Without warning, Liam shifted. He was ready. The problem with training in wolf form is they can't communicate. Because they aren't from the same pack, they can't mindlink each other, so they would have to go off of non-verbal communication. Lucy walked over to Liam and ran her fingers through his grey fur. "Are you sure you trust us, Liam?"she said with so much adoration. He put his face to her face and rubbed up and down like he was saying yes. Lucy looked to Ellen and said, "You better climb up that tree. I don't trust Astrid not to hurt you." Lucy got undressed and folded her clothes neatly, almost afraid to shift. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves so that she might have better control over Astrid in wolf form. She turned and shifted so fast it was like a blink. Ellen watched, amazed as this large white and brown wolf stood before her. She was stunning, so much like Lanie, the same brown paws and the same brown circles around the eyes, everything else stark white, the only difference was Astrid's eyes were red and Lanie's Wolf Anna's eyes were Black. Astrid ran up to Liam and playfully bit his hind leg. Liam tackled her to the ground. He motioned for her to watch him, he moved slowly, showing her a jump and roll, and she mirrored his actions perfectly. They did this for many moves. They did this for so long they didn't realize the sun had begun to set. All of a sudden, Astrid bolted into the woods after something. Liam was right on her trail when Astrid stopped dead in her tracks. A rogue snarling and spitting at Astrid Liam jumped in front of Astrid, ready to defend. Astrid POV DANGER!!!!! I ran as fast as I could to the smell of rotting garbage, I didn't know what the smell was but I had to get it and kill it before it hurt Liam or Ellen. It's my duty, my job, fight,kill,defend! I skidded to a stop when I came face to face with a rogue! Feral wolves who follow no rules technically Liam and I are also rogues but because we were separated from our packs and not banished we didn't smelll like rogues and our humans had mostly control. Axel was really good at keeping Liam back, I tired not to force Lucy out but she is so innocent and loving she doesn't know what we are capable of and she doesn't know what her destiny is. I can't tell her. She has got to figure it out for herself, but without the training from our Alpha we can't become one. Right as I was about to lunge at the rogue, Liam jumped in front blocked me from him, they started circling each other. Liam was twice the size of the rogue but half the age, all of the sudden the rogue dropped to the ground and shifted back to his human form. I turned to see Ellen she put his wolf to sleep. Liam shifted back to Axel and Ellen handed him some shorts. She looked at me and said are you going to shift or sleep? Your choice darling. Man I love hated this witch. I shifted and she haded Lucy her clothes. Lucy POV "Thank you Ellen that was remarkable. I have never felt so in sync with Astrid before,how did we never think to train in wolf form, it's just what she needed." I threw my arms around Axel and hugged him so tight. Axel pushed me behind him and questioned the rogue. "What do you want?"He shouted. The man looked at him almost unable to speak. "How, how did you do that?" "Do what? Axel asked "I am human again? I haven't been in control in so long. When my mate died my wolf took over from grief and we've been in wolf form for so long."Ellen shot out her hand around Liam and said "Hi!,That was me just a simple sleeping spell he will be awake in a few hours she explained." The man looked so sad. "Unless you need more time I could make you a something from herbs that can keep your wolf asleep for a few days?" The man looked so relieved. "oh yes please can you help me. My wolf has gone ferel and I don't know how to get him back," he explained. "I can do that for you! I might be able to help you put him to sleep longer but I would need help from a stronger witch. I'm only half witch." I watched as this man who was what we thought a threat became a friend? Axel did not loosen his grip on me he kept me tight behind him as we started walking back to Axels Jeep. Axel whispering to me, do not tell him what you are, from what Ellen has told me about the Bennet bloodine we can not trust just anyone. I squeezed his hand letting him know I understood. How did I find this incredible man to always have my back. when we got back to town we went to the bakery to talk some more it was always quiet there this time of night. As it turned out Kyle has been in wolf form for 6 months. When his mate was killed by hunters. He was originally from Washington state but has been wondering around and ended up in our small little town. His pack would be missing him. Axel offered to drive him back but he's going to take a bus, if Ellen's aunt can put his wolf to sleep for long enough for him to get help and take back control. That night I lay in bed thinking about how everything change in the time span of two weeks how did my semi simple life get so complicated, with that thought I drifted off into a nightmare sleepland. I'm 3 years old I'm in my carseat my sister is next to me in her seat she is 5 I think, we are driving down the road our parents are singing weird road trip songs when lights flash and the car is rolling, it's rolling so much I get car sick and then it's hot so hot I can't breath. A flash of white like an explosion and I wake up.it's not the first time I've had this dream but the first time I felt the heat from it, I'm soaked my clothes and soaked my bed is soaked, how can one person sweat so much. I take a like warm shower and check the clock it's 4am, well I can go get the bread going for the day. I throw on my black leggings a sports bra and a scoop back tank. Grab my Jean jacket and keys and head out to my car, I drive an old Nissan Sentra. I get to the bakery around half passed 4, I turn on the proofer and the oven. I start making the dough for my bread and pastries for the day, I can't stop thinking about that dream. Did my sister die in the crash too or were we separated like Ellen and Axel.
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