2521 Words

The water finally began to lighten and Pheyus was glad. There had been little rest during the night. So many problems. So many unanswered questions. What to do. Flantha had responded with a tail slap when he asked about pursuing Crassidens. Shayla had bolted when he mentioned a healer. Two courses—two head butts. There had to be an approach, otherwise his new and fancy title was worthless. Flantha was no surprise, but Shayla’s response was disturbing. What was wrong? What was she afraid of? Pheyus scanned the other adult males in his group. They were all resting comfortably and completely unaware of his attention. They would follow him if he asked, but what would he ask them to do? He had no idea of what to do himself, other than present more questions to the Stellars. Shayla. Onc

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