2023 Words

CHAPTER THREEDespite the fact that the Marquis did not leave until after three o’clock in the morning, Penelope was up fairly early. She had her breakfast in her bedroom and then she came into Karla’s looking exceedingly beautiful. “Are you ready?” she asked rather sharply. “Of course I am,” Karla replied. “I was called two hours ago, but I did not like to interrupt you in case you were asleep.” “We have a lot to do,” Penelope said. “Therefore if you put on your hat, we will leave immediately.” She left before Karla could ask her where they were going. It all seemed rather fascinating. She put on one of the black hats that had belonged to Penelope. Although a number of the feathers and bows had been removed, it was still a very smart shape. Karla looked at herself in the mirror.

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