2622 Words

“I have a great deal of experience,” Karla replied. She was a little breathless as she spoke and her voice sounded somewhat strange even to herself. Then the Marquis was lifting her down from the saddle. “You were superb,” he said. “I am full of admiration.” Karla, however, was looking over her shoulder towards Penelope and she knew without being told that her sister was angry. She was resenting the fact that Karla had been able to achieve what she had refused to even contemplate. Karla turned to the Marquis. “Please take me home,” she said. “It is embarrassing for me to stay here.” She did not have to explain why. The Marquis without answering walked quickly towards the chaise he had been driving to where it was drawn up beside the Grandstand. As she stepped into it, Karla saw

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