Chapter 2 : Breakfast for the Dog

983 Words
"The breakfast in your hand is mine. Return it to me." Carver stared at Chelsea 's breakfast, swallowing hard. He hadn't eaten breakfast, and his stomach was growling with hunger. "This... this breakfast was bought for me... You... want me to return it?" Chelsea was incredulous, doubting her own ears. "Yes, since we're parting ways from now on, isn't it reasonable for you to return my breakfast?" Not intending to get entangled with this woman any longer, Carver didn't care about his image. He grabbed the breakfast directly. "You!" Chelsea 's face turned dark, and she laughed in anger. "Well, well! So this is your true face, Carver!" "Fine! Eat to your heart's content!" She stormed off in a huff. As she turned the corner in the hallway, her roommate asked, "Chelsea, where’s the breakfast that i***t bought for us?" "Fed to the dogs!" Chelsea 's roar echoed loudly. ... Carver ignored the shouting behind him and headed to the classroom with his burger. The brilliant morning sun, energetic classmates, and the melodious bell sounds... The beauty of youth is only appreciated once it's lost. As he entered the classroom, he saw a line of large chalk letters on the blackboard at the back. "30 days left until the college entrance exam!" Only thirty days left? Carver frowned slightly. With such a short time, aiming for a good university was undoubtedly a Herculean task. Especially for someone like him, who had been mingling in society for years, picking up studies again was even more challenging. In his past life, his academic performance was mediocre, and it was only his persistence towards Chelsea that got him into college. "To make money, you need a good degree as a stepping stone." "Even Bill Gates only dropped out after getting into Harvard." Feeling heavy-hearted, Carver sat back in his seat. But when he casually opened an English book... Buzz... Suddenly, he felt a dizzying sensation, and then the knowledge from the book seemed to come alive, flooding into his brain. In less than three seconds, the content of two pages was fully imprinted in his mind. Recalling it, not a single letter was missing! "Damn! Is this the benefit of reincarnation? Photographic memory?" Carver was astonished. His mouth almost split into a grin. Last life, he only made it to high school. This life, he might just make it to Harvard! Suddenly filled with confidence, Carver's earlier heaviness dissipated. "Grrr..." His stomach, empty from hunger, rumbled again. Reluctantly, he put down the English book and prepared to eat breakfast. But as he looked at the breakfast in his hand, he paused. Since becoming Chelsea 's sycophant, especially during high school, he had been bringing breakfast for Chelsea and her three roommates every day. So, now he had four breakfasts in his hand! Wasting food wasn't in Carver's nature. After a moment of thought, he stood up and walked to the back seats with a large bag of soy milk and buns. Earlier, he had noticed only one lonely female student sitting there, though she wasn't alone. Beside her stood two burly bodyguards! Despite wearing a simple school uniform like the other students, the girl's delicate features, fair skin, and long, flowing hair gave her an air of purity and nobility. The morning sunlight streamed into the classroom, casting a holy and beautiful glow on her. At this moment, she was quietly reading a Chinese book, her long lashes fluttering... Suddenly, distant memories surged forth, and Carver recognized her. "It's Amaris!" Amaris had transferred to Zhonghai Third High School in her second year. Before her arrival, Chelsea had always been the undisputed school beauty. But after Amaris came, she became the new queen. Countless boys idolized her as their lifelong goddess. Even boys from other schools often came to confess or present gifts, only to be intercepted by her bodyguards. Because of this, despite being the goddess in many boys' hearts, no one dared to approach her. Whether in class or outside school, two imposing bodyguards always accompanied her. Unlike the high school students around him, Carver, now an adult, felt more composed. Bodyguards? What's the big deal? He wasn't harboring any ill intentions towards Amaris. Why should he be afraid? Walking up to Amaris's seat, Carver raised the breakfast in his hand. "Lin, haven't had breakfast yet? Join me?" Amaris continued reading her book, seemingly oblivious. After a long while, she nodded slightly, her gaze indifferent. Wow! Quite the ice queen! Unfazed, Carver turned around and sat in the front seat, then began laying out the four breakfasts. Burgers, salads, pizzas, dumplings... an assortment without repetition. Clearly, in his past life, Carver had put a lot of thought into pleasing Chelsea . As he spread out the breakfast, filling the entire desk, Amaris finally looked up. Despite maintaining a composed expression and hiding her emotions well, Carver noticed a hint of anticipation in her eyes. "Seems like she's a foodie..." Carver thought with a smile. "Have you guys eaten? There's plenty here, join us," he said, glancing at the two bodyguards standing like statues. The two middle-aged bodyguards remained silent, their eyes fixed on him. Carver had no doubt that any unruly action on his part would result in an instant beating. But it didn't matter. He wasn't there to harass Amaris; he simply didn't want the food to go to waste. "You're hungry, right? Eat," Carver handed Amaris a pair of chopsticks. She hesitated, then softly asked, "Can I really eat?" Her voice, unlike her cold demeanor, was clear and pleasant. "Of course!" Carver smiled, taking a bite of a pizza slice. Seeing him start, Amaris could no longer resist and began eating the dumplings. Carver noticed that she ate quietly and quickly, stuffing her mouth like a little hamster. "Don't rush, take your time," Carver advised. "These dumplings are great with some chili sauce."
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