Chapter 5: Falling Right into His Trap

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Rarely did Chelsea lose her temper, but she could no longer restrain herself and shouted at Carver 's retreating figure. However, he seemed not to hear her, hurrying away. Chelsea stood there, stunned. Soon, her eyes filled with tears. Since when did I, a dignified lady, have to endure such humiliation? She felt an overwhelming sense of disparity, not regret. Moreover, Carver 's avoidance of her was as if she were a plague. This was an utter insult to Chelsea, the former school belle. Seeing her like this, her three roommates dared not utter a word. After a moment, Huang Fang finally spoke up, "Chelsea, that bastard Carver must be playing hard to get." "Don't let him get to you; that's exactly what he wants." "Really?" Chelsea wiped her eyes secretly, her voice trembling with emotion. "Of course," Huang Fang affirmed. "Why else would he buy so much breakfast? Can he eat it all himself?" "He even made a point to walk past us, clearly trying to provoke you." Christine quickly chimed in, "Yes, yes, Carver probably wants you to bow down. Chelsea, you need to be careful." Hearing these words, Chelsea felt somewhat relieved and agreed, "So that's his game. I must teach him a lesson, or things will only get worse." "For now, let's ignore him." "Let's see how long he can hold out!" ... Upon entering the classroom, Chelsea saw Amaris, who had tied her hair into a ponytail, seemingly for convenience while eating, looking every bit the sunny girl. "Hot breakfast is here!" Carver cheerfully unpacked the food. Amaris, unable to contain her excitement, immediately picked up a custard bun and started eating. The two of them munched away. The four servings of breakfast were quickly devoured. Then came morning reading, classes, meals, and more classes... The day flew by. Until after school in the afternoon, Carver found a random excuse to get permission from the class teacher to skip the evening self-study session. Being usually well-behaved, his request was promptly approved. With the leave slip in hand, Carver hurried to find Amaris. He planned to borrow her bicycle. It was mealtime after school, and the campus was bustling. After circling around, he finally spotted Amaris. Just then, a figure suddenly appeared, blocking Carver 's path. "Wow, isn't this the devoted prince of our school?" "Pthahnil?" Seeing who it was, Carver was momentarily stunned before remembering Pthahnil, a senior in the liberal arts class, and one of the four wealthy scions of the school. Pthahnil had always pursued Chelsea, but unlike Carver 's previous persistence, Pthahnil maintained his dignity and pride. Because of Chelsea, Pthahnil had always seen Carver as a thorn in his side. Learning of yesterday's events, Pthahnil had come specifically to mock Carver . "Devoted prince, I heard you had a quarrel with Chelsea?" "Oh wow! Rare courage to quarrel, not being a sycophant anymore?" Pthahnil's exaggerated tone seemed aimed at attracting the school's attention. Seeing Amaris disappearing into the crowd, Carver responded casually while chasing after her, "Oh right, Chelsea is all yours. Go ahead." Seeing this, Pthahnil felt as if he had punched cotton, growing irritated, "Where are you rushing off to? Don't tell me you've found someone else?" Realizing Carver was heading towards Amaris, Pthahnil was momentarily stunned but quickly followed, "No way! Are you going after Amaris? You must have a death wish!" Just as he finished speaking, Carver called out, "Amaris!" Hearing someone dare to call out the new school beauty's name, Pthahnil and the surrounding students were shocked and turned to look. Is this guy crazy? Doesn't he know what happened to the last person who tried to hit on Amaris? But soon, an even more astonishing scene unfolded! Amaris turned around, saw Carver , and her face lit up with a smile, her icy demeanor melting away. "Carver !" Taking advantage of the stunned onlookers, Carver rushed forward. "Can I borrow your bicycle? I have something urgent." "Now? Aren't you attending evening self-study?" "I've got permission." Hearing this, Amaris thought Carver must have something urgent and quickly looked towards her bodyguard. One stepped forward, "Young Master Zhou, please follow me." Carver hurriedly followed. This scene left everyone feeling as if they were in a dream. What was going on? Was Amaris always this approachable? What about those guys who got beaten up for hitting on her? Because of the bodyguard, no one dared to approach Amaris. Their conversation was also unclear, only hearing the bodyguard call him "Young Master Zhou." The surrounding students' imaginations ran wild. Young Master Zhou? What!? Could Carver be a hidden scion of a wealthy family? Or perhaps Carver and Amaris had some illicit relationship? ... While everyone was still lost in their imaginations, Pthahnil stepped forward. As Carver 's rival, he knew Carver 's situation inside out. There's no way he was some hidden wealthy heir! Amaris must really be approachable; he had just been too timid before, and now Carver beat him to it! If Carver could do it, why couldn't he? Moreover, if he could connect with Amaris, who cared about Chelsea? She'd be nothing! "Amaris!" Pthahnil, having recalled Carver 's move, tried to replicate it. But... Amaris merely glanced at him and then ignored him, walking away. Thinking his voice was too soft, Pthahnil hurried to follow. But the bodyguard blocked him, "Stop right there, classmate!" Pthahnil: "..." What was this? They didn't stop Carver , but they stopped Pthahnil? ... The bicycle Carver bought yesterday was still on the Rolls-Royce. Receiving it from the bodyguard, Carver quickly mounted and left the school grounds. Since discovering his eidetic memory, he had been confident about his studies and the college entrance exam. What he needed to figure out now was how to earn his first pot of gold. Having lived through one lifetime, Carver knew how hard it was to make money. It was 2006, a time brimming with opportunities! Especially in the realm of the Internet, which was like an inexhaustible gold mine! But to enter the market or strike gold, some capital was necessary. Time was running out. If he waited until college to try making money, he might not even get a taste. Carver had thought long and hard about how to make money. As a high school student without connections or resources, finding a money-making opportunity was difficult. Even getting a loan from the bank was out of the question. "I need to start with a small but suitable business..."
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