Chapter Four-3

2264 Words

“Thank you,” Lord Harleston smiled. “You think of everything.” “I try to,” Waldo replied. “Now, if you’re ready, we can start.” He gave the order to one of the men riding a horse who shouted for the wagons to start rolling. Then Waldo helped Nelda up into the front seat of the trap and Lord Harleston took the reins and followed. He enjoyed driving the four-in-hand and found that, as the trap was very light and the horses fresh, they proceeded at an excellent speed and on Waldo’s instructions quickly moved ahead of the wagons so as to be aay of their dust. By the time they were out of the City and in open country, Waldo with two other riders as escort and Lord Harleston and Nelda in the trap, were well ahead of the rest of the cavalcade. The Plains were just as Lord Harleston had expe

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