Chapter Three-2

2018 Words

“By coming to London.” “I have heard that’s what the swells in New York are doing, but I didn’t believe it!” Waldo replied. “Now I understand why they’re ambitious to look English, even though they resent you.” “Why should they do so?” Lord Harleston asked. Waldo hesitated before he told the truth. “Because we think you’re always looking down your long noses at us!” Lord Harleston chuckled. “I assure you it’s not true, but perhaps we may give that impression because we are more reserved in our natures than you are.” “You bet you are,” Waldo said, “although there are some exceptions. I met a regular guy, who might be one of your relations, recently when I was in Leadville. His name was ‘Harle’.” “Harle?” Lord Harleston repeated. “What was his first name?” “They call him ‘Handsome H

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