Chapter Fifty-Six: Describe Familial Ties In Three Words

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“Pardon my scepticism in asking you this again, but is something amiss, your majesty?” Baron Christoff asked. Perhaps because I had yet to indulge him in the reason for his presence today, that, or maybe because rather than delay thirty minutes, I had delayed two hours because for the life of me, I could not comprehend why a woman who had a harem was still a virgin!! “Fine… fine.” I responded, then shook my head, “I am okay.” It was evening now, partly because I needed some time to clear my mind after my little unexpected shock but mainly because the realisation that I was m**********g to a man’s words had embarrassed me terribly. Yet at the moment, that had been the only logical course of action because when we are together…I lose everything I am. Of course, the stations would never reveal entirely accurate news on royalty, but as things unfold, I am starting to feel as though too much was exempted on Azalea’s life. The baron looked to be in his mid-forties, perhaps even in his early fifties, his hair a light brown that resembled sand only littered with streaks of white periodically. He was an odd mix of charming and plain. In other words, his face was forgetful. Only his name was memorable for the power it held. The room we were in was different from the prior huntsman themed parlour room, which now felt tainted to me because how was I to ever enter there without remembering Al- No- I came to an agreement with myself that I need to cease the miserable infatuation. He was not Oberon, but Aleu. Even if he bore his resemblance and was almost definitely his reincarnation, this was his new life. A chance a happily ever after, I must not screw that up for him in any way whatsoever. In any case, the room we were in was a Victorian blend of gold and ruby, like most of the palace. The couches were ruby, while the curtains and flooring matched a metallic sheen of gold. There was a slight knock on the door. “You may come in,” I said, and only a few seconds passed when a maid carrying a tray of biscuits and two teapots walked in. She served the baron green tea and mint while I was served camomile. “Should you require anything else, kindly press the crystal provided at the entrance.” The maid instructed the baron after confirming all my needs were met. “So baron, what is it you wished to speak to me about?” I asked as the sound of the closing of the doors sounded. “I wished to speak of the matter on my presenting my son as a concubine.” “You have a son?” I asked, “I was under the impression that you were both wifeless and childless, a pitiful man who devoted all his life to working.” “I see that you hold nothing back.” He chuckled nervously, “Yes, I have a son, two actually and three daughters, all out of wedlock.” “You are oddly honest.” I said, crossing my legs and leaning into the support offered by the couch, “That is not a common trait for businessmen, or have you told a lie that I have mistaken as the truth?” “No, your majesty, I am…I am exhausted.” He said, sipping his tea, “Truthfully, I had a bit of a scare the other day. I realized that no one would be by my side if I were to die, not the people who claim to love me nor the company my lineage toiled to build. So, I wished to turn my gaze to the family I long abandoned.” “I think you mean families. Could one woman really sire all your five children with no complain or request for your fortune or hand in marriage?”  Again he chuckled, a business-like sound that meant no matter how much I injured his pride, he would not step out of line, though not many could afford to do so before the Empress. “Actually, only two families.” “So you long abandoned two families, and yet as ‘daddy’s back’ gift, you decide to send one off to be a concubine. Is that really the healthiest start? Or are you just strict enough that your whims be done?” “Your imperial majesty, forgive my forwardness; however, your beauty speaks for itself. My son suggested to be your concubine himself.” “And how old is this…boy.” “He turns nineteen during winter.” “You mean to tell me that he is still wet behind his ears?” “Wet behind…., your majesty times have changed. We currently have a twenty-year-old in power in one of the leading duchies. I believe that some children mature faster than others.” “Or…or listen to this, instead of trying to sell your abandoned children off, tell me what you really want?” I asked, “I refuse to believe that a son you left behind would wish to lose all his rights and make no effort to partake in this meeting.” “Your majesty, I speak nothing but the-,” “Try and not insult me. My patience is wearing thin.” “Fine, your majesty, I wished that in exchange for my son, you would grant me the open position of the marquis.” “Wow… the first ounce of honesty from you, and it turns out you have no fears of dying alone.” “I simply wis-,” “Do not give me excuses. It is fine that you want what you want. The rest of the ‘I’m willing to sell my son off drama’ you can handle at your own free time.” I sighed, then placed my warm cup of camomile back on the coffee table, “Okay, so this means that you have spoken to Tomas?” “Yes, he is in support of my venture. The only minor issue is the newfound hostility from the count and viscount of mayflower.” “Of course, if anyone should take the open position, do you not believe that it should be those immediately below it?” I asked. “Imagine a baron, miles below a count in the hierarchy, swiping the prestigious Marquis seat from right under their noses? Oh, they must be livid.” “On the contrary, your majesty, you seem amused?” “Of course I am. I expect that in the coming weeks, a lot of ass-kissing will take place, pardon my language.” “I see.” The baron responded calmly. “Hmm, what I want from you, is not your son but three favours.” “Three favours?” “Yes, you will be in my debt if you wish for my favour in acquiring the Marquis position.” “What kind of favours will your majesty ask for?” “Does that matter? You will have no choice but to grant them, so why worry yourself on the nitty-gritty?” “However, if I do that, will I not become a poor businessman?” “Yes, but seeing as you were willing to sell your child. Your abandoned child. A child who grew up without you only for you to magically appear and peddle them to me as a concubine all to be able to ride in the upper nobility section on the trains that you design, I highly doubt your morals are that tightly bound.” “Huh…” he said, then leaned back on his chair, “Okay…that was…I did not think that it would bite me in the ass immediately. However, he is truthfully infatuated by you.” “I am flattered. However, I will settle for the favour.” “Okay, so when will the meeting be held?” “Most probably after my trip to Akonia, I am due to leave in about two weeks and some days.” “Oh, during the hunting ceremony when the nobles gather in the Sorbet Dukedom?” “Yes, around that time. Do you understand what that means?” “That I need to get my allies ready in the meantime?” I sighed. “No, that you need to get married.” “GET MARRIED??!” “Yes, other than Tomas and I, there is no unmarried head.” “Is that some sort of unspoken rule?” “A little, marriage shows responsibility, but more than that, it shows that you have collateral in case something were to happen to you.” “Something like?” “Your assassination and whatnot, you know.” I said, standing, “Or perhaps you do not. The upper society significantly differs from the lower one, so as much as you will be paying off some poor girl to marry you, ensure you make proper allies in the balls coming forth from here to the day of the hunt.” “I feel that this is the perfect place to end the meeting, and just for pointer's sake,” I said, “your speech on dying alone was very creative. I almost fell for it.” “No… I!” “Goodnight, sir, I am due for dinner with an accepted concubine, one who was willing….” I teased. “I see. I would like to meet with them one day.” “I am certain that you will hear enough of him in the weeks to come.” “My son will be devastated.” I chuckled. “If he is good at other things like filing and data management, I am in dire need of an aide.” “He is! He is marvellous at such work.” “Baron, I do not believe you, but I am willing to humour you.” I said, “Have him swing by the castle at the start of next week.” “I will, thank you, your majesty.” *             *                     * “Mathews, other than supper with Aleu, is there anything else I am set to do?” I asked the butler standing outside as soon as I left the parlour room. “No, after that, you were to retire to the office.” “Good, okay, tell Aleu that I, unfortunately, cannot join him. However, tomorrow morning, as early as eight, he should be ready to go to the temple.” “Understood.” “Did you send his measurements to Weston Boutique?” “Weston? Uh, your majesty, that boutique went out of business eight years ago. It was replaced by Jess & Mason.” “In terms of quality or….” “Quality. Albeit they only have two shops as of now, the-,” “If they are good at their job, then all is well. Will they have his garments ready by morning?’ “They said that they would send a parcel at six forty-five. However, there will be extra charges for speed.” “That is alright. I should have had him measured at the ball, but okay.” I said, “Thank you for your help today,” “My pleasure, your imperial majesty.” *             *                         *   Aleu Diox Luciano The mahogany dining table was filled extravagantly to the brim with all sorts of delicacies. A luxury so often denied as he had had to eat outside the Nissian manor on too often an occasion. “Uh, am I eating all this by- I mean, are the Empress and I eating all this by ourselves?” “Her Imperial Majesty regrets to inform you that she will not be available to dine with you this evening.” Right… Aleu thought, realizing that she was most definitely running away from him. Either that or avoiding him, but still, she had shuddered at his words. The madness had to be…it has to be mutual. Still, her walking away had given him the right time to think because when they were alone, he didn’t want to think. He wanted to feel, to feel her pressed against his chest- No, no, firstly, he needed to discuss that with Fuscia, their way forward and their planned relationship.. that would be the best cause of action before leaping into the Empress’s arms. “What? Then, am I expected to eat all this by myself?” “Certainly not, anything that remains the staff enjoys as well.” The maid said, “Most of the staff has families, so they can just distribute it accordingly.” “Ah, I see….” A fresh idea hit him, if he were to pack some of the food on the table in a basket, he and Fuscia could have a moonlit picnic in the gardens. Well, minus the moon because it was in a different phase, yet still… “Where is Fuscia?” he asked the nearest servant who, oddly enough, avoided his gaze. “My apologies Lord Luciano, we are not permitted to disclose the information until tomorrow evening.” “What? What do you mean you are not permitted? Who ordered that?” “Her imperial majesty herself.” “But…I-,” he began, however halfway through his reply, his mind wondered. Was this one of the Empress’s whims? Aleu was about to proceed with his reply when a crackle of lightning sounded from outside. “Ah, the fall rains are beginning. It might be best to stay indoors until the downpour ends.” The maid instructed. Gods, even the weather was against his wishes?
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