Chapter Forty-Eight: Agenda

1497 Words
“I was right!” I mumbled as I stared at more of the documents spread out on the table. The real Oleander was searching for me, but why? And how did she have information on me that was centuries old? The more I read, the less sense it made. Is it possible that she summoned me to this role? No, the gods usually have control over that, don’t they? What the hell is going on?? A knock sounded on the office door, and instantly, I dropped my propped up feet from the mahogany desk. “Come in.” “Good morning, your imperial majesty.” The butler said as he entered, then shortly afterwards bowed. “Morning, Mathews. You may rise.” “Thank you. I have prepared all that you asked me to, starting with the eight a.m lineup of the staff and the eight-thirty lineup of the knights.” “Oh, yes, that is right!” I said, stacking the documents in my hands neatly then placing them inside the self-sealing top drawer. I then stood from my seat, and instantly his gaze dropped to my trousers. “You are in your riding garments. Shall I assume that you wish to take a stroll outside castle walls?” “No, no, I am much too exhausted for that. I didn't particularly appreciate having to put on a dress this morning. Therefore this is the solution I came up with,” I answered. “I shall have the head maid cater to that.” “The head maid?” “Yes, your lady in waiting, Lady Estelle, the count's daughter, was relieved of her position earlier, so the only other person qualified enough to tend to you would be the head maid.” “No, no, I remember issuing that order. However, I was under the impression that there were only two head maids. The first Johannes or Joanna, one of the two, who turned out to be a spy and the other, Hilda, who ran errands for me while I was on bed rest. The former has passed, so does this mean Hilda Frier has made her return?” “Yes, albeit she is sporting an injury.” He said, “I do believe with a referral from you, a trip to the temple should aid in getting her back into the workforce.” “Hmm, Is that right?” Good, she is well. Still, why did she not go to the tower? They allow staff visits for free. “Has she visited the tower?” I asked. “No, I apologise, but I failed to get a reason out of her.” If she refused to go to the tower, will she accept a visit to the temple? Speaking of, they have yet to visit me so as to publicise their cause. “It is well. I shall ask Hilda myself.” I grabbed my red coat from my chair’s backrest then wore it. It matched well with my black fitting pants, perhaps why I saw it essential to keep on. I then walked past the butler as I began heading to the main entrance, where the staff assembly would be held. “Is there anything else?” I asked as we bypassed the kights standing outside my door. “Your meeting with the royal mage is scheduled for two p.m, and that with fuscia comes in at two fifteen. Should we change it, or is it a curt meeting?” “Yes, change it, move it to tomorrow morning.” I said, then turned to him, “I’d also like an aide so that I do not have to impose more on your work. I understand that you are very busy.” “Therefore, allow me to task you lastly with lining up some potential candidates. I can select from your list.” “It is an honour to serve you, never an imposition, your imperial majesty.” “I see. I would prefer that you select mostly the honest, unlike yourself, Mathews,” I said. The noise of snuffed out laughter sounded from behind me; however, by the time I had turned, Mathews face had hardened to its usual business look. “Understood.” He said, “There are four letters left behind yesterday, one by the Western Duke’s first daughter requesting visitation rights, another by baron Christoff requesting the same, the third from Count Eustass requesting the reinstatement of his daughter Estelle, and the last one by the Duchess of Fiosal.” “The young one? What is her name….” I racked my brain for a second, “Cleanna?” “Yes.” “Also, it’s a no on the reinstatement one; throw it out. Is the young duchess also requesting visitation rights?” “No, its purpose was not specified. The Eastern Duchess simply handed the letter to me.” Dropping off letters was different from delivering. Delivering entailed either a messenger or post, with the added benefit of not specifying the letter’s or parcel’s contents, therefore, privacy. However, if its author was not of high nobility or known personally by the addressee, they were rarely read or responded to with haste. On the other hand, dropped off letters or parcels entailed messages or packages that were, as the name suggested, ‘dropped off’ personally to either the head maid or butler. They were by all means prioritised with their reasons specified for ease in the presentation to its addressee. “Hmm, it might be on the matter of a concubine. Hand that specific letter to me,” I instructed, and he did. The envelope was a deep purple, with its wax seal a blue and the impression of the shoreline waves signifying the Eastern’s most significant trade, coastal tourism. ‘To Her imperial majesty, Empress Azalea Oleander Cursix.’ ‘Forgive my impertinence in doing this by hand; however, I would be remiss if I let this opportunity slip by. Clumsy of me to begin my letter with an apology. However, I hope that by reading forward, you have accepted my youthful nature.’ ‘I am not sure how one goes about writing a ‘serious’ letter as, by nature, I would like to think of myself as somewhat of a jester.’ ‘I hope one can not tell of my slightly intoxicated state as I am writing. However, this was the only way to quell my nervousness as you both frighten and excite me…please do not hang me!’ ‘Spare me. I am much needed by my people!’ ‘Right, I do suppose that I have rambled on enough, getting to the point: inside the envelope is two tickets to the grand vogue show at Mayflower’s official amphitheatre, where Miss Nichols and I plan to convene. We are politely requesting your presence as we wish to, if not befriend you, impress you, as we are both quite fond of the new you. Should you seek to bring an acquaintance, you may gift them the extra ticket.’ ‘The fashion show's theme is black and white, with a similarly monochrome patterned mask, only ladies, however, are permitted as the main feature will be nightwear, new age swimwear and sexy wear.’ -So a ladies night where they no doubt wish to figure out my tastes in men for the concubine request?- “Interesting.” I smiled as I tilted the envelope for the remainder of its contents to reveal themselves. Two silver and ebony tickets in line with the theme landed on my palm. “Three days from now?” I sighed, “I wonder.” “Oh yes, Mathews!” I called finally as we reached the stairs. I went through the accounts that you handed to me. Is there a reason why I send the dowager eighteen per cent of the mine’s gross profits while still paying his servants?” “Because- well because your majesty-” “You are spluttering. Does that mean the reason is more emotional than logical?” “Yes, your majesty.” “Then switch it to net, and lower the percentage to ten. He is not building a continent, and if, after all that time, he has not turned profit enough for the change to not affect his lifestyle, then I have no interest in his tactics. Was there a documentation signing?” “No, it was simply your goodwill.” “hah!” I smiled.  How exciting. “Good morning all,” I said, smiling as I approached the quiet but filled entrance after my presence had been announced by an idle castle knight by the stairs. “Rise,” I said, relieving them of their bow. “alright, it is time to get to business!” 
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