Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Big Bad Wolf

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“Your imperial majesty.” The duke of the west announced as he kneeled before me with his handso-,with his son, Aleu. He bore no resemblance to Oberon, so my heart should not, my heart dare not react in the manner that it did. I should not feel uneasy about his existence. My core should not twitch at his presence. He is Aleu Diox, the next ruler of Cursix and a man by whose blade I must die. This Oberon business is nothing but muddy waters. It must be left to settle. Still, my gaze turned to Aleu, but unlike yesternight, there was no recounting of poetic words or a desperate need to be heard; the only thing that reflected in his golden eyes was a mixture of fear and determination. -Hah, one of us has their head in the game, and it is not me- I cleared my throat partly to centre my mind on current affairs but mainly to erase the lump in my throat.   The bloodletting had worked, that’s for certain. So there was no need to hold back in my actions. To him, I am a person who he must impress, and until I reveal my intentions, it shall remain so. I turned to Raiser, then beckoned him to draw nearer. “Tell the orchestra to proceed with the music no matter what happens,” I whispered. “Understood.” “Also, what time do you leave for Akonia with your team of four?” “Before dawn breaks.” “Pity, but when you return, I trust you will, so when you do, you will have a surprise awaiting you.” Raiser hesitated for a few more seconds before I literally had to shoo him off to perform the minuscule task of prioritising the party's feel by ensuring the band members kept the music going. I then turned to face the kneeling men. “You may rise.” “Thank you, your imperial majesty, the sun of the empire.” -Wow, butter me up, why don’t you?- “I am here before you to present my wonderfully talented son as a potential concubine for your harem.” Despite the music still playing in the hall, audible gasps from those nearby sounded. “Your wonderful son?” “Yes, he is talented in many ar-,” “Like what?” I asked, crossing my legs at his proclamation. “P-pardon?” “He is talented in many areas, like what? Pardon my scepticism, but your son Trident won the construction rights in the newly discovered Virrilin in the south, your two sons are lectures, your daughter graduated the top of the academy and is currently pursuing business management, what is….” I paused, then turned to the all too handsome Aleu, “This, compared to them?” The duke chuckled nervously. “Surely you cannot compare the level of prowess in only one fac-,” “But why can't I? I am well within my rights as I will be receiving more requests come next week.” “But there is none out there like my son’s-,” “Are you trying to waste my time?” “No, no, your imperial majesty, perhaps it is foolish that a father believes in his child. but though he may not have as many accomplishments as his brothers and sisters, he is certainly talented in the aspects that make a man whole, that build a family, that maintain conversations.” “And that is something you believe I lack? Something you believe all accomplished persons lack?” “Your imperial majesty, you have close to everything. What my son brings to the table is peace of mind. A homely atmosphere.” “We are simply going round in circles,” I stated, then sighed, “Alright, duke, tell me one thing that he is good at?” The duke turned to Aleu as though waiting for some sort of clue on what to say.   Aleu did not respond to his pointedly non-verbal question, so when he did turn back to me, I was certain that he had pulled an answer right out of his ass. “Relations, your imperial majesty. My son is splendid when it comes to relations.” -Wow…- Whispers of ‘how vulgar’ or ‘how rude’ were audible, and the duke's cheeks neared crimson at his own pronouncement. “What an odd thing for a father to know their son is spectacular at?” I switched my crossed legs, and as Raiser returned to his position, I eased back into my ruby chair’s rest. “One's accomplishments must be celebrated.” He responded through gritted teeth. “Right? However, how did you come across such knowledge?” “... Y-your imperial majesty.” He stammered. I could not fault the duke for his absurd proclamation. The virginity of males could not be tested, I could not ask for a list of his previous partners, nor could I ask to sample the product as I would have to take him in as a concubine. So his ‘relations’ proclamation was perfectly unprovable and irrefutable. I probably shouldn’t strain him too much as a great lover should be the perfect idea to dull his mind in my interest in Aleu. “Introduce yourself to me,” I said, turning my gaze from the duke to his son, “and tell me what it is you are good at.” “I greet her imperial majesty, Empress Azalea Oleander Cursix. My names are Aleu Nissa Luciano, and I am quite proficient in…relations.” “Ah,” -Sticking to the script- “That must have been some late-night confession session.” I giggled sardonically, “I am curious, however….” “Did you know that horses, bulls, even dogs meant for breeding have a certain look to them?” I continued, “A look that their potential buyers always inspect for?” Aleu’s gaze widened, and I could tell by the movement in his mouth that he had clenched his jaw. “I do know that, your imperial majesty.” “Come, kneel at my feet. That I may confirm whether your body is to my liking.” “I..” he began uncomfortably, then cleared his throat as though to rid himself of any notions of resistance, “Yes, your imperial majesty.” Though Aleu stood unmoving for what felt like minutes, he slowly lifted his leg from its rooted spot then made his way, step to step to kneel by my chair. “Undo your first three buttons, Aleu.” Slowly, his hand travelled to his thick muscled neck and one by one; he revealed more of his seductively tanned body. I inserted my hand through the gap of the shirt, then caressed every hardened curve of his hardened flesh, all the while his eyes drilled holes in the ground. “Look at me,” I instructed, and as my hand grazed his n*****s as their raked his pectoral muscles, his golden eyes met mine, and slowly I realised the error of my ways. His eyes had shifted from a bright and luminous sunflower shade of gold to a deeper, almost butterscotch fade. His body, though momentarily, leaned into my touch as though he himself had no control whatsoever. Ripples of pleasure taunted my chest as I longed to tease him more, perhaps to dig deeper into his kinks, however one of us… I pulled my hand away then turned to the duke. One of us needed to be sober for this. “Hmmm, I like him,” I announced. The duke could barely contain his smile, even though to most, I had literally embarrassed his most beloved child before the entire room. “Is there a trial period?” The duke seemed pleased with himself at my words. I can swear that his height even grew a few inches taller. “There is none. However, your imperial majesty, a dance should suffice.” The duke provided. “Hmm..” -s**t, my ballroom dancing is at F- “Unfortunately, though he is a perfect match to my bedroom preferences, he is not worth my first dance, so I shall settle for a walk in the gardens with him.” The implication was clear, scandal. “However-,” the duke tried to interrupt. “I shall bring him back within fifteen minutes. That is hardly enough time to-,” I eyed Aleu, then smiled mischievously to the duke, “Well, it is barely enough time.” “I wish to test his capacity to hold a conversation before I can reject or accept the proposal.” “I understand, however, beyond a conversation, will be a silent agreement to him becoming a concubine, as I am certain my son wishes to maintain his pride.” “Oh, I am certain that he does,” I said, standing. *               *                                *   Imperial palace balcony. The duke of Nissa sipped his ruby wine impatiently, awaiting the return of Aleu when the door behind him opened. “Father, I hear that your presentation of Aleu is complete?” A feminine voice spoke, breaking the silence of the night. “Ah, Virginia.” He acknowledged without turning his gaze from the gardens. “have you and your brother just arrived?” “Yes, father, we have. Save for a few minutes whereby Trident and I spent catching up on some of the local gossips.” “Good. The son of the madwoman is walking with the Empress as we speak.” He continued, “I am glad we presented him as the first. I hear that baron Christoff wants to present himself as her concubine. How ludicrous!” The duke clicked his tongue. “I want to ensure that he has been accepted before then.” He tapped his glass, “Even if it means causing a scandal.” “Is that why you permitted them to leave together?” Virginia asked as she neared her father on the cold ledge, even though it meant exposing herself to the chill of the night in her thinly strapped deep blue dress. “Of course, you should have seen them in the hall. There is no doubt that I was right in saying that his prowess was his s****l exper-,” “Father, Aleu is a virgin.” “WHAT?” “All he did in the academy was follow some commoner who crafted swords. Plus, his infatuation with that pink-haired maid, I am certain, did not permit him any extracurricular activities.” The duke grumbled then sipped his wine once more. “It matters not, by the time the Empress discovers that,” he paused to finish the rest of the wine in his glass when Virginia proceeded with his mapped out argument. “I agree. Unless Aleu confesses that matter himself, it will be too late.” “He would not dare. That woman and his sister are at stake.” “Oh, did you promise to release them?” “They are worthless to me anyway, plus how long till he dies? If the young one proves useful, I can just take her once more. It is not like he will be alive long.” “From the gossip I heard on the way in, the Empress treated him like a breeding animal; I doubt that even after he becomes a concubine, he will have any success in politics.” A smile crossed the duke's lips. “That is alright. After the death of Aleu, the parties who are still grieving the loss of their precious loved ones will surely join our cause. Whether he likes it or not, he will be a political stepping stone.” The duke stared at his empty glass once more. “We should send someone to tail them in case they spot something usable.” The duke said, “where is your knight?” “I shall instruct him,” Virginia promised. “Do they have anything stronger than wine at the bar?” “Yes, they do. They have a variety of brews.”
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