Chapter Forty-One: The Big Bad Wolf III

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Aleu Diox Luciano What should he do? If this conversation were to reach the duke’s ears, he would immediately be withdrawn from the concubine position. Worst-case scenario, they would actually go through with changing his middle name from Diox to Nissa, all so that the throne could be tied to them. As a concubine’s child, his middle designated name is considered useless. However, beloved concubine’s children who had their names matching the family name were somewhat tied to the central family. Suppose they were ever, in the course of their lives to acquire a position more significant than their main family's. In that case, their ‘main family’ could lay claim to their newly acquired possessions, inheritance wise after their passing. This does not work if they receive a lower position. That is why the duke wished to spread rumours on changing his name, however as the position of an imperial concubine is lower than a Grand Duke’s, Aleu was almost certain that the name change would remain a rumour. -s**t!- Aleu cursed inwardly.  He was not supposed to be strong enough to notice such subtle changes in the environment. That was where his agreement with Virginia and Trident had left him, so if he were to be the one to point out the presence of an intruder, wouldn’t the Empress know at least that he was stronger than what the rumours suggested? And if that got out then, his secret lessons would be discovered, and the duke might turn his gaze to him once more, attracting unwarranted attacks and attention from Trident and Virginia. -s**t!- He could startle the intruder, he reasoned, as no one in their right mind would ever be comfortable with spying on a member of the imperial family. Still, there was no telling how much the intruder had overheard, so what should he do? Gesture to the Empress’s knight? He was damned either way, so shouldn’t he at least inform him? Perhaps that would even make his relationship with the stern knight more favourable? In any case, the intruder would be imprisoned then taken to questioning later, so that should be fine. Aleu turned his gaze back to the Empress’s knight, hoping that he had already noticed the intruder because though he wished it not, Aleu was stronger than most and more observant. Therefore, long discussions on ‘how he knew’ did not suit him. -Thank the gods!- He breathed silently as he noticed the Knight’s calm movements in reaching for the sword tucked safely on his belt as though he had only just sensed the spy.   As Aleu turned back to face the Empress, finally breathing easily because all the matters were being taken care of, he noticed the leaf that she had plucked from the hedge now glowed red. In less time than he had to ask what she planned on doing, she placed the charged leaf between her fore and middle finger then flung it. The ‘aura-d’ leaf tore through the hedges forming a small but gaping hole in all that obscured its path, and within less than a second, a soft thud sounded, and the fourth, much intrusive pulse, grew weak. -What the hell??- “Hmm,” the Empress hummed innocently, “I despise rats.” “Huh…?” A sound escaped his throat because though what had happened was the most straightforward means of dealing with the problem, it was still murder. It was still taking a life, and she, the Empress, the continent’s leader’s heart had not even erred in pulsation at the action. It was almost as though, to her, that was the most logical solution, but it was not! Could she not see that? “Why?” the question eased from his throat, and her crimson gaze turned to him. “If you have judgment to pass on, do so quickly. I grow weary of standing conversations in the gardens.” She uttered. “Why did you do that? You could have apprehended him for questioning and-!” “Mr Luciano, I am a very keen person. I noticed his presence first, then your body language.” She stated matter of factly, “If you wish to preserve something or someone, with the potential of giving me a migraine in the future, in my presence, as a rule of thumb, know that you have nine seconds to make a decision. Otherwise, I will.” Aleu stiffened at her words. It was more than her not even giving an excuse for ending a person’s life, but that she felt… unreachable. As though nothing about him could ever affect her, even his condemnation of her. It didn’t make it any more amusing that he secretly envied her decisiveness. In fact, ever since he could remember, he had always heard stories of children born in palaces being mighty in their power. However, when he had first met Trident, he had so easily been disappointed, especially after only training for three days and earning the shortlived title of prodigy. After that, he had ceased believing in status equalling might. However…she…the woman before him… was like a living, breathing mythology. A god’s incar- What? What is he doing? -Gods!- Aleu flustered as a frown coupled with the realisation that he had half near worshipped a person for murder! A person well capable of doing the same to Fuscia! Yes, the Empress had saved him some trouble, but was that really worth a life?? How was he to take her threat as idle chatter when she had just slain a person who had had no intention of fighting? That was evident from the intruder's pulse rate, and if he had noticed, then most definitely she had too!! Therefore, the true villain here was none other than she! “So easily you took a man’s life.” the statement or rather judgement flowed from his lips with ease, but again, she did not defend herself. After what felt like a tense few moments of silence, he wished he could suck the words back into his throat. However, the illusionary laws of time did not permit him. “Joyful art thou.” She responded, and if only for a second, a sorrowful expression crossed her brows before vanishing, “our time is up, Mr Luciano.” Again, he noticed her use of his more general name, other than the earlier referred Mr Diox. He was the only Mr Diox, save for his grandfather from his mother’s side, perhaps why he preferred that name and why Mr Luciano felt more…distant to him. As though she had not planned her entire coup with him. But just like that, the conversation was over. Just like that, she swept past him before he could even convert his sentiments into syllables. The part of him that needed her to understand him was easily overshadowed by the portion of him that craved knowing her. Nonetheless, all of his feelings amalgamated into ugly envy that made him wish to group her up with the other horrid nobles around him. However, by the time that understanding had downloaded itself into Aleu’s brain, the Empress and her knight were long gone.
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