Chapter Twenty: A Wistfully Uncanny Day

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Azalea Oleander Cursix The town square was a sea of taunts and cheers as the words ‘justice’ and ‘kill the criminals’ filled the noisy air. I was on the platform set aside in the town arena for the execution of the criminals, and even though it was very noisy, my focus was elsewhere. In three years, I will be up here if all goes according to plan. I have never really played a role with the title ‘villainous’ that had a quiet end. My eyes stared down at the wooden boards and the dried blood from previous…well, executions. -I should fix this place up. I don’t even want to imagine my end being unbeautiful. Is that a word? Perhaps not.-  I took a deep breath to bring myself back to the present, but the realisation that the countdown usually begins when the system goes offline reminded me that I had a little less than three years. A weird sense of nostalgia filled my chest, and I almost gave into my smile. Was this what anticipation felt like? Sure, I knew what it was, but this is the first time it feels ‘real’. Not all my roles were dull or unfair. I have had some pretty exciting ones, but don’t people live because they know they will die? The terror of death somehow enchants for the joys of living, not that I hadn't enjoyed my lives or roles, but…there was never really any sense of… I can't even describe it, but I guess it nears wonder? I wonder what’s going to happen? That was always included in the description. I wonder if he will ask me out? Well, more often than not, I try to stay away from willing emotional entanglements. I wonder what my rewards will be? Well, these are always discussed at the beginning. I wonder what the gods are like? Hah…dicks.  Wonder; that has to be it…something that I had taken entirely for granted…was the emotion I missed. Perhaps from the curse; ‘until your heart develops the hardness of stone, and your mind the sharpness of a blade.’ I sighed. Perhaps a less depressive train of thought may prove more inspiring. Let's see, when I do go back, I will probably get my life back in that busy office where everyone was either buried in documents or complaining about deadlines. I’ll quit, maybe even drive off into the sunset, lead a quiet farm life. The wind blew harshly, reminding me of the present issues that needed addressing. -A speech, that’s right, I need to make a speech to finish this sector up- I turned to the town crier standing beside me. He looked positively spooked by today's events. Still, this was not even the tip of the iceberg of what hid underneath the glimmers of castles. The state of affairs in the Empire was so bad that the supposed loyal vassals would willingly try and negotiate themselves out of responsibility for an attempted assassination of the Empire’s head, making a blatant mockery of their titles and responsibilities. “Quiet!” the town crier roared, and for such a frail-looking man, the deepness of his voice was astonishing. The rest of the dukes and duchesses save for the duke of sorbet were seated at their designated spots where they could look down on the criminals, perhaps more than figuratively. Still, I stood on the same level as the criminals because Azalea had let this happen in one way or another and I, was she. As I walked towards the floating crystal meant to project my voice to all, the floorboards on the platform that reeked of death and bitter misunderstandings creaked. The arena slowly grew silent, and though I understood that majority were watching this on their crystal screens as a sort of ‘breaking news,’ the arena was still full to the brim. “Good mid-morning to all, those gathered behind their screens and those who put physical efforts to make their way to the plaza.” I began, “It is a tragedy to gather under such grim circumstances. However, they were an eventuality because we, as your leaders, have failed you.” Shocked gasps followed by curious whispers filled the arena as it was unbecoming for nobility ever to admit that they were in the wrong.  “I, as the supreme leader, have failed you.” I paused for the whispers to die down, then brushed a loose tendril of a stray hair behind my ear. “I appointed men and women, gave them the power to lead all of you but rather than lead, they chose to suppress you.” Some titles were inherited, of course, but each appointment of a royal imperial head came with a renewal of vows. “Statements such as ‘a commoner should not dare shine as bright as nobility’ have grown in popularity. Deaths of commoners treated as ‘accidents’, and many other overlooked incidences that have been buried.” “Today's case might seem like a simple case of treason; however, abuse of authority always has a source. Therefore, this is simply the beginning of what is to come in the next years.” “So do not cheer at the death of the men and woman before you, nor should you throw rocks or rotten foods at them. Rather, acknowledge that they are the stepping stone to the end of the travesty rampant in the houses.” “Acknowledge them as the prick that made you understand that you wished for safety, security, understanding, ease, fun and excitement more than ever before. All revolutions begin with a step forward, and though it is a tragedy when the first step is death rather than a conversation, that is how muddied we as your leaders have let matters become.” “However, today, on this gloomy mid-morning, we, as your leaders shall reclaim our responsibilities, so to all those watching, open the eyes that you used to shut away all the injustices that you have witness and trust us; anew.” “Therefore, all the knights in each territory will be required to return to their masters for evaluation. The deadline is six months.” “All Knights in the general security stations in Mayflower shall report to the palace eighteen days from today for re-evaluation; the order shall be posted based on the territory. In contrast, those in the other territories shall report for re-evaluation by the highest authority in the region.” “The evaluations shall be done alongside the annual knighthood examinations.” “All crimes reported must be addressed,” “Now then, for more light-hearted matters, after the ceremonies end, as a commemoration for today, the Mayflower town shall have two nights of festivities.” “Supplies and provisions have been sent from the palace to ensure that all have ample food and drink at a fifty percent discount from all the marked market stalls. Fireworks, music and dancers have also been hired.” Cheerful murmurs filled the arena. “Now then, let us begin today's sentencings.” “For the appointment of a leader who committed high treason, to the appointment of knights who betrayed their master, I will lead the following executions personally.” “For the crime of high treason, abuse of authority, deceiving a member of the imperial family, the former Marquis of Mayflower, Fredrick Grerret Jones, is sentenced to death by swift decapitation. Furthermore, his family will be banished from the Empire. If spotted twenty-eight days from tomorrow, a kill order should be issued.” “For the crime of high treason, abuse of authority, attempted poisoning of a member of the imperial family and betrayal of a sacred vow by even going as far as to posing as a merchant to deliver poison Cyril Cones, is sentenced to death by decapitation.” “Lastly, for ignoring the crimes around you and turning a blind eye to assassination attempts aimed at your master, as a former member of the imperial knights, Luke Ornix is sentenced to thirty years as a gladiator until all debts paid to the imperial family are paid. Naturally, the loss of title is inclusive.” He was to return his salary tenfold, which was near impossible as other than nobles and merchants, imperial knights were very wealthy. “Lord Kassim Theodore,” I said, and a buzz filled the entire arena as all the gazes turned to his position. He looked shell shocked, as though he had been certain that his scapegoat plan had worked to a tee, especially as he was not on the platform rather in the commoner seating station surrounded by knights. Kassim's eyes flew easily from one corner of the arena to the other, perhaps in search of a ray of hope or a way out. “He shall lead the execution of the following, who co-operated with his attempt at the life of a member of the imperial family; Cleatus Ansi, Marcus Wayde, Andre Hermit, Olly Pry, A….” I listed twelve other men and one woman who worked under him. “Sir Raiser Isaiah Gidion, captain of the imperial knights, will be in charge of executing the three knights who pretended to be bandits to harass civilians.” Although Raiser was shocked that I still addressed him as the captain, I proceeded to list the three names, wishing to tend to the matter later. “For the crime of high treason and abuse of authority, Lord Kassim Theodore is sentenced to death, his executioner, Duke George Theodore Cursix.” The entire arena buzzed, and the colour seeped from Kassim’s face. I was to execute everyone in the Theodore dutchy,  however for religious implications as that is where the female lead’s descendants were, plus they would make marvellous stepping stones for Aleu, I stroke a deal with the Duke. Tomas, the firstborn, would inherit the Sorbet dutchy, while the Duke and Innes would be exiled on the condition that Kassim would be executed. Kassims situation was non-negotiable. He had been too clumsy in leaving traces, loud in his abuse of authority, and worse, he had already been ratted out on the live broadcasts. So the Duke could either preserve their legacy or go down with it. Of course, they chose to preserve it by letting their son bear the weight of his actions, well rather the duke had, Innes had woken up and brought a fuss at that solution, so Duchess Nancy Tissir had put her to sleep. Well, after that fiasco, announcing that I wanted six concubines for my harem had been a breeze. All the duchies were to provide at least three suitable candidates for selection. Of course, I will reject all of them, but hopefully, Aleu will be among them. I stated concubines because I did not wish to let them know that there would be an Emperor candidate among them, especially because Azalea treated her concubines as trophies. She disallowed them to work or fight as that would leave scars. All they could do was work out and eat restrictive meals. Therefore, as this to some men meant losing their ‘core?’ the duchy heads will likely send either illegitimate kids who would also act as spies or really suitable candidates. “Finally, George Theodore and Innes Theodore, the now-former heads of Sorbet, are banished from the Empire of Cursix. Effective immediately, the new head of Sorbet dukedom is Lord Tomas Theodore Cursix. The former Duke and Duchess have fourteen days from today to evacuate the Empire, after which a kill order will be issued.”   The twelve o’clock bell chimed from the temples signalling the official beginning of the executions. I turned away from the crystal that acted as a microphone then neared the former marquis, waiting for the knights to bring Kassim and escort the duke to the arena platform. The former Marquis whimpered loudly, and I sighed. “Do you think you are a victim?” I asked in a low voice so only he and the knights beside him could hear. “You get a swift death while I stayed in bed for nearly six months, knowing that with each passing day, my death neared.” I spoke for Azalea as I had tasted the bitterness of a slow life-consuming death. “I- I have f-fami-,” he muttered tearfully. “What would you have done next? In the council room, there are five that can replace me as I have no heir. Do you not see that that means war? Do you think that your family would have survived that war, or do you remember their existence when they have the potential to be useful?” “Were you so blinded by sweet nothings that you decided to follow your heart, leaving your head only for show?” “Was the vow to serve from your lineage so useless that you could treat them as mere suggestions?” I asked. “What of those that died for your schemes?” “M-mercy? P-please!” “The leader you chose sold you out without a second thought, so stop crying.” I sighed, “It is unfortunate when you only recall mercy when the tables turn.” “Maintain your bravery, Grerret. As such is the fate of villains.” As I spoke my last words to him, I was unsure at who they were aimed; in just a little while, I would join him, this time for good.  As I raised my hand, preparation for the final strike using my amassed sword ki rather than an actual sword because this event needed to be remembered, I wondered if when my time comes, I cry like he and many others, or if I will smile in relief at reclaiming the freedom that has so long eluded me? If I would remember the scent of the day, the texture of the wind, and the birds' colour in the sky, like the first time I died?
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