Chapter Ten: Against the Gods

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When I next opened my eyes, I was in an empty white hall that seemed endless, on the walls numerous white supporting columns that framed the space, and at the heart of the room, a long table with eleven glowing golden orbs sat before me. There was a twelfth chair for Mikael, but he was absent as he had ‘fallen’. All of these years, and still the remaining gods had never developed the courage to meet with me face to face, that, or perhaps I was not worth a physical meeting. Either way, every time I enter the temple, either with my family to give offerings or as I am, to confirm my standing on the roles, I always find it hard to breathe. I’d like to think that it is their hypocrisy that mimics the effects of drowning in me but truthfully, it may be because I know too much to pretend to be humbled at their interference. “I will not be accepting this role,” I stated clearly, in the silence of the room. “Why do you dispute it?” one of the orbs glowed brighter with each spoken word of the asked question. “Three reasons,” I began, “One, I specifically said that I would not perform another royal role. Two, royal roles are a pain in the ass; too much thinking is involved. I have to be n steps ahead of n number of people, and it is downright infuriating. Lastly, if I perform the role, then Allios’ curse is lifted, whereas I still bear mine.” “As it stands, the nature of our curses clash, so I will not be inheriting their monthly perio-, I mean curse.” I cleared my throat, “So from the second I entered this body, Allios’, I mean the Imperial curse was already broken, so tell me, my oh-so-loving gods, how is that fair?” “I see. However, the natures of your curses are different.” A different orb from the first spoke in a deeper, more masculine voice than the initial feminine one, “You were brought here with a firm knowledge of the greater good, whereas -,” “Are you trying to annoy me or seek a favour? Do you claim that knowledge affects the greatness of a sin?” “Consider it this way; what would hurt more? Your friend murdering the love of your life or a random bandit doing so?” “I see,” I responded. “However, at the end of the day, my wife is dead, and I am unwilling to perform any favours to you gods.” “IMPERTINENCE!!” a booming voice emanating from the closest orb to me yelled, shaking the room. “Insolence.” A light-hearted voice said calmly, agreeing with the angry one. “Allios died centuries ago. He only dealt with the curse during the period in which he was alive. The suffering of the rest of his lineage was just over-dramatisation on your part because it serves you when your will be done.” The ‘gods’ punishing public figures worked in their favour, and it was around my third or fourth life that I realized that the number of followers they had mattered. Why? I had yet to crack that code, but I have a hunch that it affects their powers or something.  There were whispers between the orbs in a language that I could not understand, as though they were discussing whether I had a point or how best to trick me into accepting the role. It must be important to them as I am now acting as a public figure, so no matter what they throw at me, I have to maintain the upper hand in this trade. “We have seen your view.” The calm voice spoke, “We have decided to reward you by sending you back to your world if you complete the given role successfully. That way, both you and the First Emperor will be freed from the curse.” An end. Finally, an end to all the madness! To the unending torment! My heart was elated, and if it could soar out of my chest, I do not doubt that it would! But however joyous it felt, it did not sing. It knew more than anyone in this world that the gods of this land were more cunning than the demons they rebuked. “I see,” I nodded as though interested in the offer made, then, in just the same beat, I began shaking my head disapprovingly.  “I was a pretty average office worker in my initial world. Here, even if you put me in the body of a pauper or a child starving in the streets, I have millions in assets. I own twelve farms, each producing the best grade of stock and this life as the Empress may double my worth as a merchant. Pray tell, why you thought that I would be elated by your proposal of returning to nothing?” “To a world where each half of my paycheck goes undeservingly to my mother who will most definitely spend it in her own indulgence? A world where I lived in a small apartment with dreams of only freedom from the mundane. Whereas here, freedom means becoming an adventurer and chasing an ancient dragon!” There were whispers again, but this time, I could tell that most of them were angered by my words. Even though their voices were slightly muted, the intonations were not. I do not hate my life as Georgette, and as soon as I get back, I will most probably denounce my mother as I no longer feel any attachment to her, leave my job and live happily. But more than that, I think I just want an opportunity to die surrounded by loved ones who were… Real? I understand that the lives in this world have validity, but I was practically a demi-god here. All the skills and power that I had surmounted made me long for…more. I cannot put into words what that ‘more’ is, but I crave it. It could be that I have grown to hate this world which I believe has stolen more than I could supply, or perhaps, even though I was an average office worker in that world, I was still the main character in my life. I still had the ability to make worthwhile choices and risks, whereas here…my first life was as an extra dictated heavily by laws and then a cog which is basically an extra with benefits. Even my now role left nothing to curiosity. All I have to do is train someone to do something great. To train yet another main character. Why? I don’t know. Why is Azalea not good enough for her throne? Why must it be someone else? I nullify her curse, so why can’t it be me? She has passed on, so why not ME? Why? I am right here?!! Why? Why must it be someone else? Why? Why must I have everything, only to lose it to strangers? Why?? Why do I always have to give my life to inspire people who would never dream of doing the same for me? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY??!!?? WHY?!? “Do you wish for wealth in your initial life?” a male voice spoke, jolting me from the turmoil in my mind. I took a few more seconds to regain my composure, after which I was able to smile once more before the gods. “No, this time, I will select my own rewards,” I replied, and the room trembled. “THAT IS NOT HOW THIS WORKS!!” “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!” “YOU IGNORANT MORTAL!’ “THEN YOU BECOME THE EMPRESS!!” I yelled back to their tantrums, “BECOME YET ANOTHER HARDSHIP THAT SOMEONE LESS THAN YOU HAS TO ENDURE!! GET OFF YOUR HORSES AND WALK AS THE SOLDIER BECAUSE THIS ONE IS TIRED OF DOING PLATNUM WORK FOR GOLD COINS.” I knew this would happen, but this time, I have nothing to lose. “THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!” “BLASPHEMY!” The sound of a short bell chiming interrupted the hall, but the gods' protests were so loud that they missed it.  {What does the host wish to obtain as a reward?} Again, the System acted on its own whims, disobeying the gods who commanded it…they did command it, right? I first received the system after my life as a Saintess in another continent. Around my twenty fourth or twenty-fifth life, I assumed that one is gifted a system after being a saint. Was my assumption wrong? Mikael had one, but the first saintess in Cursix did not? -Hmm?-   “WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THAT DAMNED SYSTEM?!” A loud voice yelled, jolting me from my thoughts, but before I was startled enough to respond honestly, the gods put up a magical field that prevented me from hearing more of their discussion on the system. -Hooo?- They did not mute this time but put up a field? Come to think of it; the system gifted me divinity earlier. I thought it was because I always chose it for my roles, but…the system has never done that before. -Something…-  An undeniable smile crept up my lips.  -Something is going on with the System.-
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