Chapter Thirty-Five: Genetics Are Hit and Miss

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"Please, your imperial majesty, bestow your mercy on this foolish subject!!” a blue-haired maiden yelled as she threw herself to the ground outside my office, attracting attention from those nearby, itching for an untold scandal. -What the hell- “Please, your majesty. I am a knight by the name of Jelly Kion.” She , “I am responsi-,” She began; however, I interrupted her nuisance. “What is a knight doing, yelling and crawling on the ground in their uniform?” The knight stiffened at my question then peeked from her crouched position to gauge my reaction. Her hair was the most astonishingly familiar shade of lapis lazuli. It reminded me of a sailor by the name of Archibald Piere. He had been one of my best men at sea; however, shortly after my life as Mariette, news of his passing had reached me. However, though they bore a familiar resemblance in their hair colour, while Archibald had been a grizzled man, the woman before me was not; she was elegant, well put and most of all, she had on the imperial white uniform which told a tale of trained professionalism. Unlike Archibald, who would drunkenly fall overboard because he was hurling potatoes at seagulls. However, her ‘professionalism’ also meant that her little peaking fiasco and the purposeful use of her uniform while performing this act was an action meant to infuriate me. But why must everyone try me this morning? Is there a sign on my back I am carrying and waving around unbeknownst to me? “I… I wished to cast my pride asid-,” she proceeded with her charade “By tainting the uniform of the imperial knights?” The woman was silent; she did not quiver in fear nor plead her life rather, her gaze remained rooted firmly and unwavering to the floor. “Leave my sight.” “But your Majesty-“ she uttered a faux cry before frowning in the realisation that I would not be releasing her from my service as she had expected, “What?” Her words had been in preparation for me to ask her to rid herself of the uniform and discover a new passion; however, here we were. “Y-,” her words were shaky and faint, almost as though her throat had closed in on itself before she could finish speaking. “If you have time to waste, spend it elsewhere,” I uttered as I walked past her, leaving her on the ground. What was I thinking? Archibald was, though not the sharpest, an honest chap. The two of them bore little to no resemblance rather than the colour of their hair.   I guess it was only in my mind. “W-what, your majesty, please grant me an audience.” “No,” I breathed easily, “You resort to low-level trickery rather than speak your words straightforwardly.” “You, Sir Jelly Kion, are not worth my time.” *                         *                                          * Several minutes later. “What do you plan to do? It is not that often that ill-intentioned knights confess their crimes with their own words.” Raiser said, raking his red hair, “I do not feel that she truly intended to hurt Miss Greene.” “She is not ill-intentioned; however, she is looking for a way out,” I mumbled absentmindedly, then walked to the window of my office. “A way out? From knighthood?” My eyes caught the natural wave of pink hair blown about by the warm breeze. Its owner’s identity safely hidden away under the balloon of their white hat, such that my aerial view had no advantages whatsoever. “Yes,” I answered his hopefully rhetorical question. “Will you grant her release?” “Of course not. I am not anyone’s guardian angel. However, I am curious about…that lapis lazuli coloured hair.” “Ah, she is a descendant of the believers of Poseidon.” “Mmh?” I hummed, the information still seeming a little lacking. The hat on the pink-haired lady flew off her head, effortlessly snatched away by the wind. She gave a loud gasp then chased it across the courtyard when finally the pitiful hat was saved by a golden-haired man in a long white mage robe. There was no doubt in my mind that the man belonged to the royal magic tower. -Second male lead maybe?- Well, whatever. I sighed heavily as my mind flew back to Henderson. “You know, they say that her father was the captain of the ocean,” “WHAT?” I turned back to Raiser, who suddenly seemed startled at the information he had handed over to me. “Her..fathe…r wa..s Pier..e?” he mumbled, “I mean I’d have to confirm that with-,” “Yes, do so.” I said, “Confirm, then let me know, in fact, do a thorough investigation on her.” “Understood.” He confirmed, “Now, for other matters, we managed to track down the root of the assassins and are looking for a way forward.” “Well, out with it, or do you need me to beg?” I asked as I walked myself back to the couch then plopped my tired body on the plush leather couch that sat at the heart of the Victorian room. “It is the former duke and duchess Theodore of Sorbet.” He said, then cleared his throat to continue with the rest of his report, “It appears that they are still claiming that you murdered their son under false allegations because he threatened your throne.” “Oh?” “Yes, they have left sorbet and are currently on their way to the Dian continent.” “Meaning that they will use the Icy ports in Akonia?” “We estimate so.” “I see.” I stretched my body from the chair then sealed my eyelids shut. -I want to go back to bed.- “Okay, intercept their journey using the fifth knight division in Akonia. I believe that they are the most corrupt there?” “It might not be much considering that Akonia is still the most peaceful duchy, but still waters run deep, take care of both the divisions and the lovely couple…discreetly.” “Understood.” Now then, the dreadful ball is all that remains of this day, and before the end of next week, I should be married. -Hah- -I really want to go back to bed-
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