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Harlyn It’s been two days since I spoke with the doctor and explained things to Samuel. I’ve heard nothing since, so I can only assume it means there’s no update, and he hasn’t found out who it was yet. I was hoping by now he would have answers or at least something to ease the blow of this. “Harlyn,” Samuel says, and I turn to see him with Coton. “He knows, right?” They are looking at me like they are ready to hurt me, which means my father has found out the truth. “Yes, he’s on his way. We will help, he can’t say or do anything Harlyn, you’re not to blame, and this wasn’t your fault, it was the bastard who took advantage of you.” Samuel shouts. If only father would see it in that way but something is telling me he won’t. I hear his footsteps first, or rather stamps. He is angry. “What is this about you being pregnant!” His words float through the hallway as he storms towards me, my mother following behind him. He glares at me and stops in front of me. “Father, please. Can we try and stay calm and not shout.” Samuel asks quietly, trying to calm my father. “Please?” After she has disowned the family, and brought shame to our door. Again! Is it not bad enough she does that by not having a wolf, she now has to go and great pregnant as well,” father shouts at us. “Did I not warn you of this? She’s a bad omen. Everything bad that happens is down to her! I said she shouldn’t have lived,” Father shouts and turns to look at our mother. Her head falls slightly, and I see the tears in her eyes. “Darling, you need to tell us what happened,” my mother asks. Her voice is calm, but I can see she is worried. “What happened? It’s clear what happened!” Father shouts. “I don’t know,” I whisper, answering my mothers question. My response only seems to add fuel to his anger. “Are you being serious?” He steps closer, his eyes looking at me in disgust. “She was so busy sleeping around with everyone that she couldn’t even remember it. God, you’re nothing but a disgrace to this family, pack and the entire kingdom!” he shouts, and my body tries to hide away from him. The weight of what he is saying crushes me. I don’t even know what to say to him now. “Father, no! Someone took advantage of her the night of Mother's birthday,” Samuel explains. Defending me and speaking for me, considering I can’t. “If that is when she claims it happened, then it happened with her consent. Now she is caught out sleeping around. She is making up stories trying to hide the damn truth,” Father roars, and I jump at the loudness of his voice. “The manor was full, even the royal guards where in attendance, you’re telling me no one, not one person heard her cries for help? Don’t mock me!” Father shouts, but somehow, his voice only seems to continue to get louder. No matter how this is explained or justified, he refuses to listen. He continues to argue that Samuel and Colton are fools for believing me. They see the truth, where he sees lies. I just wish for a change he could see the truth, and see how much this is hurting me. Samuel and Colton continue to argue my side. “Enough!” he shouts, and I flinch back. Everyone falls quiet, and we can’t do much. That was his alpha, and we had no choice but to follow his order. “I don’t want any excuses for the existence of this pathetic thing she created by sleeping with random men,” he states. The room stays silent as we take in his words. Pathetic thing? It’s a baby. How can he call it a thing? “Please, Harold, calm down,” mother pleads. Her voice is barely a whisper, but even she is failing at making him see sense. He laughs mockingly. “How can you possibly expect me to calm down when she lies? She sleeps around and causes trouble. Every issue we as a family have faced comes from that.” He jabs his finger into my shoulder hard, and I stumble back slightly. Samuel grabs me to steady me. He glances down at me, and it’s a simply reassuring look, but right now, it makes no difference. “You want me calm, darling? Fine,” Father states in an unusually calm tone, considering he was just shouting. “Henceforth, I no longer have a daughter. My sons do not have a sister,” he declares, and I feel the words like a punch. He’s just ended me existence within this family, parts of my begin to crumble and I cry. “No, please, Harold, do not do this!” my mother falls to her knees and begs. “Don’t disown my only daughter. Please don’t make me do this,” she cries, looking at him and begging. He chuckles slightly, and it sends a shiver down my spine. “Oh, Darling, disowning her is nothing,” he spits, and his eyes glare towards me. Gulping, I try and hide behind Samuel. “She’s a waste on our kingdom and pack, a weight that we shouldn’t have had to carry. I won’t allow her to be anymore. Henceforth, our pack no longer has a member called Harlyn. You are not welcome in my house, my pack, or our kingdom ever again!” he shouts, and I break. He’s done the one thing he’s wanted to since I was a child. He's finally getting rid of me, someone who he sees as the cause of all their issues. It’s not me, it’s him. He just can’t see it. I have nothing, no family, no pack, and no home. “Father, this isn’t right. You can not punish Harlyn for another mans actions!” Colton shouts, and tries to stop this from happening. His voice is fill with desperation, but nothing will work. He ignored my mothers crumbled body at his feet pleading, he won’t even pay attention to my brothers. “This is over,” he shouts, his alpha coming out. She leaves now. You will not disobey me; that is an order. If you do, you leave as well!” Shouting the words, he turns and storms out of the room. I don’t move. I listen to his heavy footsteps leaving, and when I know he’s away and I’m safe, I finally speak. “I’m sorry,” I cry. Before running out of the room and going to mine, I rush in and begin to pack a bag. The weight of my father's condemnation is heavy, but I can’t stay. He’s exiled me, not just from the family and the pack but also from the kingdom. As the royal family's Earl, he has the power to do it. Crying, I throw things into the case. I’ve no idea what to do or expect. I’ve never left this kingdom. “Darling, I’m sorry.” Mother rushes to me and wraps me in a tight embrace. I wish I could say, but I can’t. Crying, I cling to her. “I’m so sorry, but please, take care of yourself.” She moves back and places down money before leaving. Even she knows there is no fighting this, and no stopping it from happening. It’s too late now. Crying, I pick up the money. “Harlyn.” Turning I see Colton and Samuel, they both hug me and I cry. “Keep this, stay in touch, okay?” Colton hands me the phone, and I nod. I watch as he walks out. “I’m sorry, Harlyn. I said I would help, and I failed you,” Samuel says, and I stare at him. I should have done more, found out who it was,” he explains. “Samuel, you did so much more than anyone else would. You’re not to blame, please don’t feel guilty, look after mum and Colton for me. Please.” I look at him, pleading with my eyes. “I promise I will. Just be careful. If you can’t find a safe pack, you know there are cities with humans and werewolves without wolves. Find somewhere safe, please.” He hugs me before stepping back. I turn and walk out, stopping by the door my father stands holding it open. “I’m sorry I was always such a disappointment to you father, from the moment I was born without a wolf. Let’s hope you don’t need a daughter in the future when your sons turn against you.” I don’t wait for his reply, I walk out with my bag and cry, accepting that I’ve lost my entire life and there is no way back. Anything that is behind me is done, and can not be rebuilt, it’s burnt to the ground and destroyed.
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