Chapter 7 The Competence Of Imparting Shocks..

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Silence like never loomed in the room after the Fire herself admitted her raw intensity to burn people if they don’t adhere to her needs. The man in question still didn’t understand any of the happenings around him because his mind had taken refuge somewhere while his heart dreaded of what was to come. Imagine, coming across such a deadly declaration on your first board meeting! Your senses are bound to stop working while your rationality no longer is your friend. All you want to do is run away and hide before the fire burns you. Ashton wanted to do the same but before he could plan to escape or call for help, in few seconds the girl in front of him covered the distance between them, as whispers echoed in the large well-furnished room. “Too bad, Ashton Walkers! You’re in this city to rule over this seven-star hotel, and you’ve no idea about the lady ruling over entire Austria.” She feigned surprise in her eyes as well as voice but didn't remove the black scarf covering her face. “Neither I know who you are, nor I’m interested in knowing it. So, will you care to tell me what the hell is it that you want?” He lashed with no hesitancy hoping the angry tone would set the girl right in her mind, but it didn’t do any damage instead she chuckled finding her own amusement. Her pink lips twitched from one corner to other, and she demanded in the most authoritative yet sweetest voice she had ever used. "You!" “What?” He screeched loudly, flabbergasted by her insane behaviour. She still stared at him in merry as if she spoke Greek, while he couldn’t get a word. "Who are you again?" "If my identity is so important for you then let's do the introduction finally." She forwarded her long-manicured hand, and introduced, "Simone Thompson. The terror of this country. The Mafia Girl.” "What?" He yelled. She took two steps forward almost touching his chest; with confidence charging in her every fibre raised her index finger and ran it across his jaw making his eyes go wide in disbelief. He felt as if he was daydreaming standing in the middle of his meeting whilst all the clients stood hypnotized by the lady in front of them. “Since the moment I have seen you, it's you who is ruling my mind, and until I don't make you mine, I can't rest in peace. But I also know, you are one stubborn piece directly exported from San Francisco, so I won't take you forcefully but in the next 48 hours, you will yourself find me to be with me.” "What?" For the third time, he uttered the similar word, but his question met with a sadistic laugh, and cruel eyes checking him out from top to bottom and vice versa. He stepped back from her not liking the way she touched his chest. For any other man, it might be a trophy that a woman was throwing herself on them but not for him. Clueless, Ashton Walker’s was a rare sight! “My dear Vanilla ice-cream, I know I possess the competence of imparting shocks but I’m not deaf that must scream your lungs out and I happen to know that explicitly that you are neither deaf nor dumb. Either ways maintain a decorum here or my men can teach you.” She mocked and stepped forward once again touching her front with his. Ashton batted his eyelashes feeling awkward. Royally! Only if the term was active then it fitted then but he could always inaugurate it right now since he was out of his all nuts and bolts. His mind was shut; brain discarded away into the trash as the woman rubbed herself into him. It was disgusting! Why would a decent looking girl do that? Oh! Wait! She was a Mafia! Then why was she after him? Jesus! What a social mess he got involved into in one day. How was he supposed to escape this nonsense now? Mostly, how is one normal man supposed to handle a mafia? Was there some school regarding it? Or was it a free education in the land? Whatever it was! It was doing no good to him because he was thinking all the dumbest things of the world in a situation where life was hanging in between the neutral lines while he doesn’t know which way to turn? Or are you allowed to even turn and run! Huh! Did he rhyme in that mess? It wasn’t intentional for sure. When he didn’t even raise his hand to push her, Simone's voice roared again in the room, "My dear fellow men, I think you had enough of meeting for the day; so, I suggest you to scram out of this room. You are going to play deaf, dumb and blind outside regarding the happenings of this room to the outside world, especially to the entire Walker Family. And in return, I shall grant you your life as you wish. Is this enough of a deal people?" The board members could only manage to nod their heads, as Simone turned to have a look at their sweaty form. She raised her brows at all of them since they looked ready to wet their trousers any second while she was having a live entertainment show. Her object of fascination refused to even move a limb. His condition was worse than a wounded octopus trying to use his four hands to move but failing miserably. The others only gulped a lump down their throats. "Now what the hell are you waiting for? Get the f**k out of here!" She roared fishing out her grey friend from her pocket, and pointing at no one in particular, scaring the crap out of them. They all begun to move towards the exit pushing the other with their almost weak legs. Their organs trembled as an earthquake had hit them. But before anyone of them could move the knob of the door, the large door burst opened with a loud banging noise, and the voice that screeched pulled the ground beneath all. Dad! Holy s**t!
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