Chapter 1 Ms Thompson Will See You Now

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The sky was clear as water; amidst the white and blue blankets of clouds, emerged out the grey machine. The blades rotated at a faster rate making an ear-shattering noise. With each passing second, the noise got louder as the machine descended on the white helipad awaiting it. The area was being guarded by thirty-armed people, out of which ten were tall, lean, smart and confident females while rest of the population consisted of the brave men. Once the helicopter finally touched the ground the glass doors slid open to the left side, as immediately the pilot along with another guard came out to help the person making their grand presence. The pilot forwarded his hand, and the gloved hand was kept in his palms as the person forwarded their one foot ahead on the staircase, and then the tall figure jumped down the metallic staircase. "Welcome back to Vienna, Ma'am!" The chorus voices of all the security guards echoed as they saluted the queen of entire Austria, Simone Thompson. The lady in the royal blue jacket with black denim, gloves and long boots. A scarf wrapped around her neck, whilst another covered her face—giving a view of her red-hot lips and blue lensed eyes which exactly complimented with the jacket she wore. "Did you miss me, Vienna????" Her thunderous voice roared in the air. She stretched her arms wide inhaling the fragrance of her hometown with closed eyes. As her eyes fluttered open everyone lowered their heads; she took a good view of one and all around with her lips twitching in an evil line. "Of course, it missed me. How can it not when I breathe life into this deadly place!" She laughed sarcastically at her own words whilst none of them even dared to smile at her witty one-liner. The irony of her life was she never stayed in one place for a long time. It was no different this time as she had gone on her regular mysterious trips to another part of the country to practice Protection Racketeering for the women-owned organization who were facing the male dominance in the industry. Her job was to simply safeguard the ones who bring immense of profit to her, but the ways she used were highly dangerous as well as illegal. At times which resulted in the violence and criminal disputes between those who dared to stand against her. But only she was the dictator of the end. Blood, fights, chaos, violence, playing with arms, were indeed the pleasurable moments of this Mafia Girl, who was anything but a mercy, contrary to all feminine character traits. "Is the car ready?" The girl driver immediately came to the front with a bowed head. Simone smirked with her eyes dancing in amusement. "You all look so genially sexy in these black dresses with your heads bowed down. Perfect discipline.” She remarked in her devilish tone checking her watch—the only jewel on her body. The only thing that was allowed for people to do in her presence was to stand and breathe. No talking; no smiling; no arguments and most importantly, no eye to eye contacts. In short, she was given the treatment of a Goddess and the one who dares to break that trend must be grounded for life because the queen never tolerated indiscipline in her court. As Simone forwarded her gloved hand for the keys, the female driver immediately handed her the set biting back the insides of her cheeks at the mere thought of accidentally touching the Devil who will show no mercy on her. But it was her lucky day, and she saved herself from not pissing of her boss by her clumsy act. The valet brought the black shiny, Audi R8 almost giving Simone the view of her own dark reflection in the mirror of the car. She smiled wickedly touching the roof of the car. "Shanzy, book a table at Wien or Admiral. Tonight, I wish to gamble and empty people's bank accounts". She ordered to the woman on her left. The girl wrote her instructions neatly in the notepad like her usual task which she did being her personal secretary. Simone strode to the side of the driving seat as the valet held the door open for her offering her a respectful nod. Before she got inside, she glanced at the still rotating blades, of the helicopter which was now moving slowly without any noise. "Shane, I want this beauty always on standby here on my private helipad. Is that clear? Pay the price, to the lender.” She instructed admiring the shiny helicopter with an evil gleam of her eyes. Being involved with the world's top companies and having her own ways to earn, it won't be too shocking to say: Simone Thompson owned her private landing area too along with one jet and now the helicopter just made its entry in her favourite toy list; one being her grey gun. "Now we shall take our leave my sweethearts!" She fished out her grey gun from the left inner pocket of her leather jacket. She gave it a kiss; unlocked it; raised it above, and yelled, "I am back Vienna. Happy days come again, people". And then she fired three shot in the sky marking the start of the thriller, action and mysterious passion all around the place that she loved to call only as hers. She got inside the car and Shanzy took a seat beside her as her usual duty; igniting the engine, she shifted the gear and sped the car in a zooming speed towards the countryside to reach her secret residence which was not known to any specie of the town. Thus, catching her was like running after a dangerous ghost, whose soul was seen at times, but if you try to find who it is, there won't be any luck, because neither did anyone ever saw her in real nor they wished to. Hence, if people even saw a certain number of cars going together in the town, none of them reacted or said anything. They feigned ignorance. Afterall, it was better ignoring danger rather be trapped for life now. Isn't it? For security purposes her rest of the security followed her close by in other cars whilst her eyes kept on having a glimpse of them through the rear-view mirror. She tapped on the steering wheel as she took fast turns almost scaring her assistant who was praying for her life which only provided entertainment to her boss to no bounds. "If you continue to chant Christ's name like this, then I bet leaving the entire Christian community he is going to shower his blessings on you only, my dear lady.” She mocked laughing at her own sarcasm; Shanzy bit her lip to suppress her laugh obviously because she can't infuriate her especially when she has just returned from a trip. The deserted roads vanished as good amount of public came in the view. Malls, houses, big reputed companies followed by and then the largest mall of the Vienna came in the view. She suddenly screeched the car in front the tall building as someone caught her attention in particular. She pressed the button, the glass slid down a little giving her a full view of the personality—the man dressed in sky blue faded jeans with a white shirt; the sleeves rolled up half way through revealing his blue veins; His dark grey eyes; messed up hair; stubbled jaw; and tall height were some of the exciting adjectives to describe his male beauty. For the first time, the heartless and cold, Mafia Girl felt that she actually has a tiny organ on the left side of her body pumping blood into her system. She smirked as she saw a group of girls hovering over him as he smiled at them without a care of the world. "Stupid man doesn't realize that they are only after his body and wallet not after him. But what can one expect from these giant fools, who have two big shot eyes, but they don't use it for their benefit but to become paupers in day time, and wild animals on the bed in the night!” Simone commented with disgust as a few girls almost touched him intimately. She frowned in distaste. Annoyed at the dirty scene, she drove ahead in the speed double to what she was used to driving in situations where she had to find a fast escape route fooling her enemies. The passers-by didn't react because of her terror and now living under her, from a watchman to a small kid, all were used to her extreme ways of shocking them with her presence. She can visit any place at any time, but none will even get to know when she will fly away in the thin air like she never came. Once again, the deserted roads came in view after an hour ride, and now her mood was foul. She looked deadbeat serious whilst her hands gripped the steering tightly turning her knuckles white. At the beginning of a scary area long trees came in view on either side. It was always empty due to its proximity near the forest comprising of wild animals which begin hunting in the night. No human stepped on that side. Though, Simone was an exception. Because she loved taking risk with her life. After a while of drive, she turned left, moving forth deeper into the forested area, halted the car followed by all other cars behind her. Shanzy passed her the remote; she pressed a square button on the remote which instantly opened the land in front of her paving way for a slanting pathway. She zoomed the car forward in a fast pace and as the last car followed her, the land shut on its own once again giving no idea of what's beneath it. After five-minutes, the car screeched in front of a tall glass house which was everything anyone would ever want to have in their home from exterior to interior but making something as exciting as that with normal income wasn’t certainly easy. But Simone taken upon herself to do the inevitable and her glass house was one amongst those possessions which she loved more than any thing in the world. Decorated with most fine art of designs that were collected from across the globe Simone loved to call her home as, “A Bad Vixen’s Abode.” It was indirectly taunting to her own self that indeed she was as cunning as a fox but at the same time a sexy woman of her world. She threw the keys at Shanzy as she walked inside taking out her jacket and throwing it in one corner. "Dial Mrs. Peters and tell her that her work will be done tonight in the Casino". She ordered Shanzy and ascended the staircase to her room as several house staff followed her with various types of eatables, juices and fruits. *** At exactly, 8pm, wearing the black cocktail gown with her curls flowing till her waist a girl in her late twenty’s climbed the stairs of the Casino Admiral. Her face was elegantly adorned with little blush on her cheeks, Kohl, mascara, liner and shadows on her eyes, whilst her lips were covered with smouldering hot red lipstick. Tonight, she looked like one of those normal girls of town who visited the place not in her real identity but in a pretence that no one was even able to smell anything suspicious around them. Admiral was one of the most famous Casinos of Vienna after Wien and those expected a night of thrill, sensation and lots of fun, were spotted at the two places, on the weekends for the maximum time. People seek enjoyment at casinos, but a particular woman graced the place when she wanted to quench her thirst for blood. Despite being a human, she had those vampire desires. "Let's see how this night ends with me being here." She mused mentally walking inside to see a group of people hooting and groaning all around the place; some in excitement, others in pleasure from the make-out sessions with their partners whilst some simply because of losing the games at the table. The croupiers at the gambling tables were passing on the tokens whilst her eyes landed on the bar serving the best specimen of scotch, vodka, whiskey, champagnes, etc. She eyed one table; the one visible clearly in the dim light of the room. On her signal, the security team hid in the dark corridor; pointing their guns straight at the table their boss made her way. Without even caring to ask for permission she seated on the empty long stool leisurely crossing her one leg over the other "Want to have the fun baby?" She inquired in a seductive tone, as the men on the table eyed her long legs revealing her milky white skin through the slit of the gown. They gulped a lump down their throats licking their lips whilst their orbs filled with lust for the woman in front of them who was making it impossible for them to sit straight. "Shameless morons!" Simone muttered under her breath feeling their dirty looks even though their partners stood beside them. “Number 35.” She spoke her gambling number of the price that was on stake. The sounds of the screaming, shuffling and whispering resonated in her ears, but her eyes were fixated on the Roulette and the round Roulette ball that was now currently rotating on various numbers jumping around. She crossed her fingers under the table as the men eyed her with a smirk. "If you don't win, tonight you are ours.” The men said in a vicious tone which didn't do anything better but made her smirk witnessing the way they were giving her predatory looks. "Surely, if you stay alive!" She mumbled; the men exchanged weird looks whilst their partners spoke something in German which made Simone laugh. The Roulette finally halted, and the ball was now at the number, 35. Simone smirked widely, as the men begun to sweat. Fear evident in their eyes as they looked at the dangerous woman in front of them. "Now you will come with me!" She ordered to the one, who sat on her right whilst the other one just shrugged his shoulders. Without uttering another word, she scurried into the secluded corner of the Casino where her security hid on the other side waiting for her. The man followed her but as he reached near her, he saw her giving him lusty looks too with a big grin on her face. Taking it as a cue of her initiative, he walked up to her and grabbing her waist, he was about to kiss her on the mouth when she kicked him on his groin. Oops!! She pushed him on the floor giving him sympathetic looks first, and then victorious look, which scared the living day out of him. "Never touch a woman until she says so. Or next time I will cut that part of yours which finds pleasure in molesting a woman. Now speak, where is Mrs Peters property papers.” She warned kicking him again on his knees with her five inches of heels; he winced in pain. The others surrounded the area. One of them passed her the gun making the flat man, stare at her in shock as his life was hanging at that moment in front of him. "" He stuttered helplessly witnessing her wicked smile, and then as realization dawn on him, his eyes went wide. Your death!
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