Chapter 4 The Hilarity Of Enemies

2150 Words
It has been two days since her adventurous meet with the finest specimen of the male population. There has been an altogether different energy revolving around her which was of course hard for her to understand. But anyway, she tried to do while having the time of her life in the swimming pool enjoying the starry night in her own unique way. The famous Jessie J, Ariana Grande's, and Nicki Minaj's Bang Bang filled the swimming area of the Thompson Glass House. Her hourglass figure dipped in the water and like a fish swimming across an ocean she swam in a zig-zag way halting her breath for a minute until she reached to the other end of the pool. An activity at which she was an expert; something which she used often against her arch enemies. Simone pulled herself up at the end; took a sip of the lemonade kept on the side stall of the pool. Her secretary Shanzy waited in her corner with her robe and towel; her head bowed as a way of respect towards the woman who was paying her for years now. Simone flopped herself on the large water seat getting comfortable in the cold-water base; her eyes darted towards the heaven as she scrutinized the stars with deep curiosity. "Life's a climb. The view is really great.” She whispered to herself having a sip of her lemonade once again. Shanzy raised her lashes to look at her boss little perplexed. This was the first time, she heard something so different from her mouth other than a mouthful of orders. "Pardon me, Ma'am. But can I ask you the meaning of your words?" Simone's lips twitch from one side to another in a cocky smile that didn't reach her caramel eyes. Sensing the inquisitiveness in her tone, she tilted her head to peek a look at the fair girl standing at a distance from her and signalled through her index finger for her to sit on the recliner, near the pool. The surprised female obliged instantly not wanting to offend her boss in any way because she knew something was going around in her mind since the night she has stepped out of the Admiral—exactly two days back. Since then, something has changed in her. But what? That was certainly a mystery for each of them to unveil. When they just thought that they’ve got a grip on her mind, she left them dumbstruck with her latest moves. Even if they wanted to debate on her next step, they couldn’t because it did nothing but mess up their already confused head. "You know Shanzy no one wants to be in what they do at times. But still, they are into it, because they have got to start from somewhere in order to reach towards the desired goal. The journey is full of tests on its way which might even make you feel like you have re-joined your school or college, but then the possible outcome is always great because that's where you want to be. So, you take a step, climb a series of steps and the view you see is always pleasurable to your heart." She explained, laughing a mirthless laughter. Shanzy was shocked and astonished to hear something so exceptionally heart touching from the heartless Mafia Girl. She didn't miss that one unknown emotion cross Simone's face in that split second, and it aroused her curiosity more to find about who exactly she was in reality as a person? "Anyways, leave all that. Did you talk to Mrs Peter's?" As soon as she displayed her emotions, no sooner she was back to her old cocky self. "Yes, Ma'am. I have faxed the papers to her. No doubt she is once again impressed by your loyalty towards her. She has transferred the amount to your account this morning. We will receive the statement by tomorrow.” The girl earned herself a proud smile from her boss who was hard to impress. “Make sure we keep her always happy after all she is our old client. Serving her will serve us. Money might be secondary in life, but it is the only thing that keeps most of us happy and satisfied.” Simone winked at the last part. Shanzy shook her head, but she didn't dare to laugh or smile, because that was against rules. Mrs Peter's or popularly known as the Queen of the Cosmetic Brands was surely a name that was famous across the foreign lands. Now when she had Fame, then surely, she was bound to be triggered by fake investors and the case was no different this time when one of the sharp sheep of Vienna got her new property papers through illegal means, creating chaos for her. And the lady found herself at the mercy of the Mafia Girl who was certainly interested in the deal. "And what about that dashing hot property?" Shanzy didn't miss the little twinkle in Simone's eyes as she asked about the new man in the town of Vienna. It was so out of Simone’s character when two days back she asked to collect all possible information on the stranger guy. Certainly, a first for that evil mind’s likings. Having no choice, Shanzy did as she was told and with the internet, what is impossible in today's time? Nothing! Almost, everything is accessible if you are acquainted with the latest techniques. "He is Ashton Walkers—Hollywood's Top Model, and the youngest heir of the Great Glaciers owner’s Christian Walkers. He is here to take over the business since his father has been examined with serious heart issues. For now, his sister is taking care but since she is a fashion designer and soon to be married to Derek Jones, Ashton Walkers will take over the hotel now. He joined the management two days back.” A serene smile played on her lips as she heard everything silently. With a figure of a diva and mind of her own, she was her own person, but she hated the glamour world with a passion; her knowledge about Hollywood was as blank as the unproductive land. But this time the case was slightly different. She found herself attracted to one of the models. Those grey eyes were still roaming around her mind like a windmill keeps on rotating until the energy isn't produced. “That’s all old news. Tell me the recent development.” “There is a big party held in his honour at the Walker’s Abode. It might’ve begun by now.” “Now you are talking my child.” “How about we crash the party!" After a long pregnant silence, Simone put forth her wish. Shanzy's jaw dropped on the ground at her sudden statement. "But there will be security and media, Ma'am!" Shanzy ended up speaking out her mind, worried for her safety on being recognized. She bit her lip apologetically on being a moment spoiler for Simone, but to her utter disbelief Simone c****d her head to one side and raised her eyebrows at her naivety of even having this kind of silly thoughts about her safety. “Media can go to hell. That's all I know and for security do you doubt my skills to save myself, Shanzy?" Simone stated emerging out of the pool and standing right in front of Shanzy who immediately stood up from her place, terrorized for her life. Simone flipped her wet hair to her right side; her swimsuit revealing her perfectly shaped curvaceous figure whilst her flawless skin on display was certainly a sight to behold but that wasn't what Shanzy looking at. Shanzy's eyes were fixated on the hand that held her wrist in such a hard grip that she was sure there will be red marks for days. "Sorry, Ma'am." She stuttered on her tongue but still managed to apologize as Simone left her hand. She sighed rubbing the area. “When I can train you all to be my security, then don't you think I can fool anyone and everyone anywhere at any time. And the people of this world are so stupid that when they see a hot figure on display then apart from lusting or getting jealous, they don't have time to think about something else. Otherwise, I am surprised that how come no one has ever recognized me despite me being in the public so many times?" She explained, grabbing the towel from the recliner now which Shanzy had kept it while having a few words of heart with her before. “Since it's your first fault and you were concerned about my wellbeing, so I forgive you but next time....," She left the words in halfway twisting her neck. Shanzy trembled under her scrutinizing gaze. “I am sorry, Ma'am.” The scared secretary breathed a sigh of relief on escaping her death, but her apology went unheard as the diva took off to her room on her way increasing the volume of the music system. *** San Francisco ( A Hotel Room) A man was busy kissing a girl’s chest; his hands cupped her fragile n*****s as she moaned his name in pleasure while too lost to even care about anything else, he made several thrusts in her giving her a climax as beautiful as the morning sun. She whimpered tasting blood on her lips, but it didn’t stop her from tangling her fingers in the man’s hair as he assaulted her feminine features with his expert lips and teeth. He rolled to the other side while she kissed his back missing the warmth. He was nothing but a passing fantasy for her whom she met last night at the bar. Those eyes had her captured in their glory, and next she knew she was successfully seduced by him. Once inside his hotel, she had seen nothing but him and his manliness. It was breathtaking. He was a predator on the bed while she loved those hands roaming over her body as he so skilfully kissed her every inch leaving her with a new desire and lust. Yes, it was lust. Pure and intensified lust. But now that he seemed completely satisfied, she didn’t like the fact that he was no longer touching her. She wanted more. She sucked his earlobes while he seemed to be lost bothered about her. He turned around in a flash and captured her lips in a soulful kiss. She smiled in between the kiss, and was ready to moan, “Hum…..,” but she couldn’t as a knife sliced through her abdomen and her eyes opened wide in shock as her predator hovered over her with a cunning smile spreading across his lips. She tried to grab his neck, but he held her both wrist and laughed. “Simone thinks she can get my secrets through you. Too bad. It's not so easy my sweetheart. If she is the Mafia of Austria, then I’ll be the future one. It is so not for you to catch me.” He made the last cut in her slit and soon the bed turned a bloodbath. With lazy steps, he got out of the bed; made a call; cleaned the knife and kissed it. “Simone Thompson, do you think I don’t realise when you send girls to seduce me to get the hang of my life but it’s not so easy Darling.” He cleaned his bloody body gazing behind him at the small target board where he had hung his biggest enemies’ picture. Once done, decking up in fresh clothes, he grabbed a few darts and threw them across the board hitting directly in the middle of the person’s head. “Simone Thompson, you’ll be finished soon.” A knock on the door disturbed him and as he gave his permission to the people to enter, two men dressed in black came in and as they looked at the naked dead body, they gulped but immediately controlled themselves as their boss turned around. “What are you waiting for?” “Pack the body and send it as a gift to the b***h Thompson, so that she will know we’re not her puppets and will never be.” The men did as tell but as they were ready to leave the room after clearing the mess then their boss stopped them. He walked to the study table, grabbed a notebook and pen, and in big, black words wrote the words to be attached with the gift. “Your death awaits you, Thompson!” Your favourite enemy. Donald Duck!
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