Chapter 1: The city of mage

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There existed a quiet country on savage mountains. Because it was surrounded by tall walls, it was not possible to examine it from the outside. At the top of the stone surface hot from sunlight, a single broom was flying and cutting through the lukewarm atmosphere as it advanced. The one manipulating the broom was a single lovely girl. Her slightly long light brown hair was shaking in the wind. If there were people there, certainly anyone would turn their head wondering who in the world was this breathtakingly beautiful girl. That's right, It’s me… I’m just joking. "...just a bit is left." Normal people would think that I might be a witch because I’m traveling with a magic broom. But that was not the case… I’m not a witch. That’s to be clear. The tall walls appeared to be constructed by shaving off what was originally a mountain. Slightly shifting one's line of sight down, a gate can be seen. I am facing my broom towards it. Well, it seems like a troublesome place for a country, but, this is their consideration──To not make a mistake and carelessly enter it. After all, unless circumstances called for it, no one would ever come to a country built in such a place. After arriving at the gate, I descended with the broom. One gate guard who carried out inspections for entering the country came to greet. Slowly examining me to the tips, he returned his gaze at the brooch on my chest and showed a wry smile. "Welcome. To the country of Mage. Please proceed inside…” "Eh? That examination was enough to understand whether or not I'm a mage?" I asked that kind of question. All visitors should show a Magic to pass. If there is not even a single ability, it's not permitted to enter the town. "It's because I saw you flying here. Besides, that medal undoubtedly belongs to the Paladin class mage. It's an honor to have a paladin as our guest… Please proceed inside." So that's it. That's what it was. Looks like properly flying on the broom was the minimal condition to enter the country. It's all thanks to the witch who teaches me… Thinking about it, my location was visible from this gate…. My skirt earlier…So embarrassing. After giving a small nod to the gate guard, I proceeded to pass through the gate. Here is the country of mage. It's a country with a strange rule of not letting anyone other than mage enter it. After passing through the gate, I got puzzled. There were two signboards lined up together. One of the signboards was an entirely concealed mage extending a broom. Next to it was a walking soldier surrounded by a triangle. What are these signboards? But I immediately understood the answer as I looked above──Above the crowded brick houses, or perhaps below the sun, the mage was flying about. “I see… I got it.” It seems to be a special rule of a country that allowed just mage to enter. Everyone was flying in the vicinity, and only a handful of people walked on the ground. Understanding the meaning of the sign, I took out my broom and sat on it sideways. Kicking the ground, I started to gently float. If you want to express the meaning of the sign with simple words: "It's an advertisement to fly to the air… And thus, the country of mage truly appeared.” The mage was flying above the reddish-brown roofs that were spread out like a withered land. Starting from people who stopped brooms and had a friendly chat, people who tied luggage to brooms, an old woman who looked like a suspicious Witch, even the figures of children who dashed in the air having a contest of speed. They seem to be enjoying life in the sky. Blending with them, I soared above the country. As I was absentmindedly flying about, I suddenly caught sight of a signboard that was put above a roof. "Inn" it seems. After passing it, next appeared the word "Item shop". Aside from it, there were things like "Flower shop" and "Jewelry". As expected, they were for the living among the skies alone. Putting a signboard above the rooftops seems to be a common thing. Looking closely, there was a window that could pass people one by one embedded on the roofs of most houses. As I gazed at it blankly, a man suddenly jumped out from the inside, through the window gap, and got on his broom. In short, It's something like that. I leisurely flew about, enjoying the scenery of the country. Something that could be called a change occurred after a little while. "Nooooooooooooooooo!" A scream from behind. I held the broom with one hand and looked back as I held my hat down so it wouldn't fly away. And then, "T-Too late," I thought. "Aaaahhhhhhhh!" Someone was flying towards me in a straight line while screaming and scattering tears, but the moment I saw that, there was only one roof distance between us. Avoid it? Impossible that was impossible. Although I instinctively bend my upper body, as expected, the clash was unavoidable. With unladylike screams, that person and I entangled and fell towards the rooftop. We peeled away some of the arranged roof tiles and, before long, we stopped just on the verge of falling from the roof. Looking down, one broken roof tile lay upon the ground. Fortunately, there were no pedestrians there. Because of the inadequate angle, I avoided the head-on collision, and thanks to this mysterious flying person who took the damage from the collision with tiles, I haven't sustained injuries. I stood up while brushing off the reddish-brown fragments attached to my black robe. "............" "Urg… My head hurts…” Leaking a strange groan with closed eyes was a teenage girl that seemed to be slightly younger than me. She had average features and evenly-cut, long black hair. She wore a white blouse and checkered skirt under the black mantle. Because she got caught up below me, they got splendidly torn apart. Since there was nothing like a brooch or medal attached to her chest, perhaps she is a mage. "Are you alright?" As I touched the shoulder of the collapsed girl, she opened her eyes. "…………" ".............." And, silence. Even though I don't understand the circumstances, I said "A poor handling of a broom, eh?" I think it's cynical. Yes. "........Ah" "It seems your head finally started working." I made a smiling face. "Awawawawa." She once again closed her eyes. "W-w-w-w-what to do. What should I do? I can't fix so many roof tiles alone....." Oh? "Before that, shouldn't you apologize?" "Ah, I-I'm sorry! It was not on purpose! I swear!" I can see that. "By the way, you, are you alright? Given that you flew so splendidly." "Ah, I'm alright! I look this life after all!" That. She was saying that while red fluids spilled from her since she started talking. She was looking with clear, unwavering eyes. "Blood is coming out you know. Moreover, it's coming out from your head." "This is just sweat!" "It's red…” "Errr, well, errr......... It's a sweat!" "I have never seen a red sweat before." "Yes!" ".............." Why did this happen? I'm dead tired after getting blown off all of a sudden. After the scolding, there's a need to fix the roof tiles… oh I've had enough already. I would be a demon if I let a girl with such dangerous circumstances do it. I took out a handkerchief from my pocket. "Here, use this. Hold it down on the head." "Eeh......But." "Also, while I repair the tiles here, please go and rest somewhere for a bit." "No, I will also help out!" "In such condition, rather than help, you'll be a hindrance. Please go and rest." I declared it. Being called a hindrance she was muted down. After that, she sat on the rooftop and held down the handkerchief on her head while feeling despondent like an abandoned cat. Although she was looking lively, it was unreasonable to let her do it, after all, as soon as she sat down, she lost her strength. Let's put her aside for now. That degree of injury won't cause death. Now, let's do something about this disastrous scene. “Time Reversal Magic.” I chanted. As its name implies, it's magic to reverse the time flow, repairing the broken things with it and healing injuries, however, it's a Magic that requires slightly high skill. After getting showered with Magic, the tiles started moving. The broken tiles started connecting one by one, and just like a piece of the puzzle, they returned to their original state. Then the fragments disappeared, and the traces of breaking also completely disappeared, and at that point, I stopped releasing the magic and looked back. Next is the girl's turn. "Well then, you are next." “...” After approaching the nervous girl who raised her body while holding her head, I started casting the Magic. Wrapped up in a tender light, her injuries along with her clothes started to heal up. “Amazing” I heard her mutter. Magic sure is very useful. Any mage can do it but It will require some talent and skills. To a Paladin class mage like me. This is a piece of cake. After confirming that she returned to her original appearance, I hurriedly went to pick up my broom that had fallen on the rooftop. I think it's a good plan to escape from here before it gets noisy. "H-Hey!" Partly ignoring her who was trying to say something else to me, I got on my broom. "Thanks is enough. It's not good to disregard the surrounding when flying on the broom you know?" "Please wait, I want to somehow apologize…" "No need. Because I'm in a hurry. Goodbye. Mage whose name I don't know." Then I flew away with a broom. Speaking simply, a Mage is a person who can use Magic. Not everyone can use it, and in most cases, it is hereditary. My parents were also Mages. Mage is separated from many class higher class like Paladin or a Holy knight. Being a high-ranked mage comes with many benefits that’s why I hurried in becoming one. Becoming a Paladin like myself is no easy task. The only way is to pass the examination of the kingdom. But this is not all. Having said that, many give up in the middle of the examination because of receiving deadly injuries. After becoming a Paladin, there awaits training for the sake of becoming a person worthy to be called a Paladin under the genuine powerful mages like Saints, putting in a great effort day after day until you get recognized. That can happen in a day, or it could happen after a decade. It all depends on personal effort and the consideration of the Saint that becomes your teacher. If you are recognized as an official Paladin, you will get a star medal with your name inscribed at the bottom. In summary, I am among the top-ranking beings in this country. Because I’m a Paladin. When flying in the skies, people would look with envious gazes, or in the restaurant, they would say something like "Paladin! So pretty!” “You have a discount on every cuisine of this store!” “Please choose whatever you like!" and things like that... at least that was the expectation. In front of the waiter collecting bills. "Eh? Discount? There's nothing like that. Perhaps you have no money? Little Miss?” "…………" Well, It's that, what? If they treat every Paladin with special treatment, it would turn out bad for the store. Leaving the restaurant, I went towards the jewelry store. I wanted to sell the jewels that I gathered from the countries I previously visited. While thinking that I'd get a splendid price for them, I entered the merchant's store. “These are complete imitations. I can't offer any price for them." "That's absurd! Please look properly, once more!" I retorted. "It's the same no matter how much I look at it. What will you do? If you don't need it, should our store deal with it?" ".......For you to be saying something like that, you have ulterior motives to snatch it from me, isn't it?" "Of course not, little miss. There's no way I would do that. So, what will you do?" "Please return it." I was very angry as I left the jewelry store. But, well, even if that shopkeeper seemed a bit of a scoundrel, he didn't do anything to be despised by me right? That should be the case, right? While feeling anxious, I went towards the inn. After all, It would get dark soon. However… "This place is not for the brats like you. Go away!" What? Why? Maybe this inn is for the rich adults only? Nope, there is an Inn. There's no choice. I'll choose another place. And so, I descended with the broom towards the inn that had a cheap-looking worn-out signboard. This one should be all right I guess. From the open window on the roof, I descended the ladder leading to the inside. But on the way down, I got carried away and jumped. thud, a sound as if an iron ball was dropped reverberated. Of course, I'm not that heavy. How rude. The place down there turned out to be the reception. The woman sitting at the counter, after seeing me... "Welcome......" Became stiff. She, as well as me. Evenly-cut black hair. Average features that were similar to a boy in some respects. Sitting there, was the girl that ran into me a few hours ago. "............" "............" The one who broke the frozen atmosphere between us first was her. “I-I-I'm sorry! Please spare my life! I’m still young I still want to fall in love!” "No, what are you saying?” "Please don’t kill me!" How can I handle this girl? You don't have to be frightened that much. "Please anything but my life........" She sobbed while rubbing her head on the counter, I gently touched her shoulders. "Please quiet down a bit." That came out wrong. "Are you alright? I just came here to stay for a day… This is an Inn right?" “Then, please fill out these forms~." ".............." There are a lot of things I want to say, but I must endure. I don't want to cause more racket. Being a traveler, this form is already familiar to me. As I glided the quill across the paper, she said with a very cheerful voice: "I'm truly sorry for today. I started thinking in the middle of training and somehow ended up not managing to fly skillfully........." "I see." In short, she is clumsy with broom handling… "I wanted to properly thank you but you suddenly headed somewhere else… So your name is Hanayuki Travel? That’s a weird name… I'm Noire." She said as she stared at my hand with a bright smile. Calling my name weird is a little rude. As I was writing, "Just thanks is enough. Besides, it's common to get someone caught up when practicing magic." I said. "But don't you want anything from me? It will be terrible if I don't do anything after getting you in such trouble and even making you heal my injuries.” "It's nothing much though......." "There must be something! Please! Miss Hanayuki!" I shook my head as she was trying to show her gratitude. It's quite an odd scene. Well, there's nothing in particular that I want, but there's no need to refuse it unreasonably like that either. “.…” Can I get a lodging discount? That is what I wanted to say, but I stopped. An entry on the form caught my eye. A special discount for High ranked mage(Half per night) was written there. "Ah, that, that's a reduction not covered by those who are a high-ranked mage. Other Mages must circle the one on the general prices." She declared while knitting her brows. "I see" I circled the Paladin exclusive discount (half price). "?" What's with that strange reaction? So rude. "It's because I'm a Paladin." "But that's… You are joking....... Ah, no, I caused you trouble after all.....Yes! Then, you should get a discount!" She clapped her hands as she declared that. Because the conversation drifted to a delicate thing, or perhaps because I remembered this strange uncomfortable feeling, I shook my head. "No no no no, that's not it. It's because I'm a Paladin.” "What? Stop kidding. It's a crime to proclaim you’re self as Paladin without the proof. The Holy order can execute you.” She uttered. Then pointed at my chest. "But, there's no Medal of a Paladin." "Eh?" I dropped my gaze to my chest. The medal that was supposed to be there has vanished.
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