6. From A Bus To A Maternity Ward

3190 Words
Poly waved her hand in air with joy, as she held Celeste’s hand along with her, getting out of the club and chiming out in joy, singing the tune to her favorite song and having no regrets or whatsoever over everything that had just happened.The two wore trench coats, coupled with scarfs wrapped around their necks, signifying the cold London night, that was steaming fogs out of their mouths, as they breathed and spoke to one another. Celeste felt guilty and irritated at the same time but looking at Poly, who had no stress over the fact that she had just lost her job. “Are you out of your mind?” Celeste yelled out loud at Poly, who knew that Celeste’s anger was only towards her because of the fact that Poly had quit her job. “Relax! Don’t stress much or else you will get wrinkles and end up looking ugly in such a young age.” Celeste put her hands over her forehead, realizing that she had been frowning all the while ever since they left the club. Poly snickered at Celeste’s adorable behavior, making her slap Poly’s shoulder. “How can you be so careless and just quit your job? The club had a very good pay and you still have your father’s debt to pay off! Didn’t you think about your sister and the fact that she still in university before you just threw your job away? Why are you so dumb?” “I didn’t throw it away okay?” Poly yelled back at Celeste, making her shut up. “And I am not dumb! I did the right thing by standing up for you because you risked your job for protecting me and made me feel like it was the right thing to do by not apologizing for that, so that I wouldn’t have any guilt for saving Stella at the first place. That asshole was creating a scene and instead of making us feel safe that crazy asshole, Edward was asking us to be sorry. So, what guarantees that it won’t happen again, even after you quit? At least I know with you I will be safe.” Celeste stood back with her cheeks puffed and her lower lip perched out. She felt defeated by Poly’s words. “But... you still should’ve thought about your father’s debt!” Celeste argued, throwing her hands in the air and feeling agitated that not just her but even Poly was rendered jobless. “Uh! I don’t worry about that. When I have you by my side, there is nothing for me to worry about and besides, I know soon you will get rich one way or the other and then you will take care of everything in my life.” “You have so much confidence in me? Gosh! I really wish, I can let you down.” She complained and Poly only laughed, pulling Celeste in for a hug. “Now stop stressing about everything and lets just go home. Hand in my hand?” Poly offered her palm for Celeste to take and she smiled brightly, extending her hand and entangling it with Poly’s. “Let go home!” she chimed in excitement and the two walked out on the street. “I feel hungry.” Poly informed Celeste, who took out her phone and checked her current bank balance. “Well, I still have thirteen hundred pounds left in my account, it would be enough to buy us some good steak.” “Steak? Are you crazy? What is it a celebration? Why would we get steak?” “Let’s celebrate us, getting kicked out of our jobs!” Celeste chimed and Poly extended her hand forward, fisting with hers. “But let’s go to my Grandma’s restaurant.” Poly intervened. “No! she has the worst steak!” Celeste complained, remembering the staggering taste and intensive elasticity of the meat, the last and the only time she had a meal at the God forsaken place. “Also, the cheapest and she would give us some discount as well.” Celeste shook her entire body in annoyance and before they could’ve hauled a cab, a loud voice yelled at them, making them stop, Celeste and Poly turned around to see Jin running in to their direction. “Guys! Rose... it is Rose...” he yelled at them, making them look at each other in confusion. Jin sprinted towards them, finding it hard to stop his feet and Celeste stepped forward, helping him come to a halt. The man seemed to have some sort of wheels fit in to his feet. “Relax! Slow down... what happened?” Celeste asked and Jin, shouted out in sheer joy. “Rose! She is having the baby... Now!” “What? Now?” Both Celeste and Poly yelled in shock and then turned towards the road. “We need to get you to the hospital.” Celeste stated, trying to haul a taxi but none of the cars seemed to stop for them. “Well she is not having the baby but her contractions have reached the two hours mark and she would soon deliver the baby now.” He stated with happiness and Celeste held a completely faze expression, looking at the man’s face. “How could you be so calm? She could get your baby out any moment and you could miss a very crucial event in your life. Your own child’s birth.” She told Jin, who gently patted her shoulder, making her relax down but Poly only kept jumping up and down on the footpath, trying to get a taxi. “I am calm because no matter what I miss, I am still going to see my baby. He is coming out in this world and even though, if I miss his birth, I still get to hold him one way or the other, even if I am late.” Celeste felt a wave of warmth covering up her entire body, as she heard Jin’s words. She couldn’t believe that the man wore some invisible glasses over his eyes that made him see the world through such a positive view. She was glad that she had people like him and Poly, in his life who even in conditions like the one that she was in, held her like a glue and didn’t let her break down even for the slightest second. Before Celeste could’ve reacted, a large horn honked its way towards them, making the trio look up towards the black couch bus that made its way towards them and came to a halt right in front of them. The door to the driver’s side opened up and Stella jumped right in front of Celeste. “You guys seemed to be in a need for a ride?” She asked Celeste, making her nod her head. “Well, then let us pay you back for what you did for us earlier.” She offered, stepping aside and offering the three to jump inside the bus. Celeste helped Jin and Poly jump up inside the bus and followed the bus, where the dancers hooted in admiration for Celeste, who fought for them and didn’t let them feel that if someone harassed them than it was their fault and they needed to be sorry for that. Soon the bus took them to the hospital and Poly and Jin got off, rushing inside the hospital, towards the maternity ward and Celeste got off, looking back at Stella, who stood by the door of the bus. “Thank you!” she told Stella, who only shook her head at Celeste. “No, thank you! And go now, help your friend, like you always help them.” She smiled as Celeste saluted her and ran inside the hospital, while Stella, smiled shaking her head at the polite, kind and the nurturing person that Celeste was. She was definitely proud to have her as an acquaintance. “Come on! Let’s go!” Stella tapped over the door of the bus, asking the driver to take her and the rest of the girls towards their residence. Celeste joined Jin and Poly by the reception, who were guided by the nurse, towards the room in which Rose was having her baby. The three ran towards the maternity ward and as Celeste and Poly stood outside the maternity ward, Jin went inside. They could hear a familiar woman’s voice crying out in pain, as Jin, screamed after every few seconds. “You are doing great honey! Keep doing it.” He tried his best motivating Rose, who only yelled back at him, in between her screams. “Really? You think you have the right to tell me how I am doing?” “f**k you!” “Ugh! I wish I can break your bones and tell you how much this s**t hurts!” “I am pushing a melon sized f**k tart out of my v****a!” “I can do this.” Celeste and Poly looked at each other and felt assured that everything was alright with Rose, because that was also how she was usually and just exactly. After a while, they heard the cries of a baby echo throughout the entire ward and Celeste and Poly jumped up, hugging each other. “We did it!” Jin yelled out loud followed by another groan, which Celeste and Poly knew that Rose had probably hit him. “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I am sorry... I meant that you did it honey... you gave birth to our beautiful baby.” Celeste and Poly sighed in relief that everything was completely and utterly fine between the couple and they walked to sit over the benches, placed by the side of the maternity ward. After a while Poly got up and left and Celeste only sat back, resting her head over the wall behind her and trying to postulate the possibilities of her future. She had just lost her job and she had no idea how she was going to deal with the situation at hand. She was pretty sure when Edward told her that they would think whether they will call her or not, she was sure that she wasn’t getting any call back. Picking out her phone out of her coat’s pocket, she knew that the only sensible option for her to do was to apply for a new job. Going directly up on LinkedIn, she began directly applying for as many jobs as she could. Poly walked back to sit next to her, peeping in to her phone. “Already applying for jobs?” she asked Celeste and she nodded back at her. “Well, there can’t be two unemployed people in a marriage.” She told Poly, making her snicker. “Here...” she offered Celeste, a packet of Lays and she nodded at Poly, to open it up for her. Poly grunted in agitation, “When will you learn to open a packet of crisps for your own self? I mean, you can literally move barrels of liquor in the inventory, knock mean men down by single punch but you can not open up a packet of crisps? I will never understand this logic.” Celeste gave her friend a toothy grin and grabbed the opened packet of Lays out of her hands. The door to the maternity ward opened up and Jin walked outside, making Celeste and Poly jump up on their feet. “I am a father!” he chimed out loud and Poly and Celeste jumped ahead, hugging him. “Congratulations! Can we see the baby?” they asked and Jin nodded his head, guiding them inside Rose’s maternity room, where she was lying on her bed and the new born was placed inside the small nursery cot. “Hey!” Celeste, walked up towards Rose and leaned down to hug her, while Poly rushed to look at the small child, looking at whom she had tears formed at the corner of her eyes with a small smile covering her lips. “How are you feeling?” Celeste asked Rose, who tossed her small bob hair behind her head and shook her head at Celeste, her round face, companied by her small eyes and flat nose, looked swollen due to the extreme birthing experience that she had just gone through. “Well, other than just pumping a melon sized human out of my v****a, I do feel awfully good actually. I guess holding him in my hands did make all the pain go away.” Celeste smiled back at Rose and then remembered that she had to inform her and brief her over the events of the night as well. “I am sorry Rose... I...” “No... you don’t need to be sorry.” She held Celeste’s hand. “I am very proud of you.” She stated and Celeste immediately looked at Jin, who smiled at her with a soft looking covering his face, notifying her that he had already told Rose everything about the incident at the club. “You stood by your decision, there is nothing that you did wrong or need to be sad about, be proud of yourself.” Celeste nodded at Rose and made her way towards the baby, standing next to Poly, who was now looking at the child with confusion. “Why is the baby so wrinkled?” Poly whispered at Celeste and Rose cleared her throat. “I heard that.” Celeste nudged at Poly, warning her that even though that baby was wrinkly and seemed ugly at the moment, she needed to keep her thoughts to herself or else Rose was going to bury her alive in the very hospital grounds. “I mean, the baby is not recognizable at the moment.” Poly tried to cover her tracks and Celeste only shook her head, knowing very well that between the two of them, Poly was definitely the dumb one. “He looks like his father right now, will look like me when we both would not be too swollen.” Rose stated, making everyone inside the room, except for Jin, who felt offended. Soon Poly and Celeste made their way towards their house. They lived in a complex building in Hackney, and shared two apartments right in front of one another. “Adios! Ciao!” Poly and Celeste saluted one another, making their way inside their apartments. Celeste rested her head back against her door, looking inside her small complex, where she could see her living room with just a single couch resting right in front of her. Placing the key on the small table that was filled with small decoration pieces, action figures and artificial miniature plant pots, Celeste made her way inside her apartment. Walking towards the couch, she slumped down, laying her head over the couch, whilst her feet still touched the ground. A small coffee table was placed right in front of the couch, mirroring the very size of the seating tool, while a small LCD Tv, She groaned in agitation that she lost a good job at Brighton Nights, where she made quite a sustainable amount of money, that was enough to get her bills and rent paid and even save some money for her brother’s university. She picked her head up and looked towards her small kitchen, which was a small open unit and looking at the dirty dishes in the sink, she knew that it was also her brother’s work of art, who always left the dishes dirty. Her stomach grumbled with hunger and she clasped her arms around her tummy, not being in the mood to feed herself and on the contrary feeling stressed over how she would get herself a good job. Taking her coat off, she walked towards the kitchen, but felt a windy chill rattling her bones. She turned towards the small balcony and saw that it was open and her brother must had left it open. Walking towards the balcony, she saw that her brother’s jacket was also placed outside. Stepping into the small space, she picked it up and looked towards her single chair that she had place there and saw that a skimpy top rested over it. She picked it up with a confused look cover her face and wondering whether it came from her wanton neighbor and her horny boyfriend, who always had s*x in the balcony and screamed on top of their lungs, telling the world when they were about to explode in to one another. She decided to carry it inside anyways and picked up the small spray bottle placed at the side of the balcony and watered her small plants, closing the door behind her and walking back inside. Placing the clothes on the couch, she walked towards the kitchen and stood cleaning the dishes until she heard certain sound echoing at a distance in her apartment. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she tried to make sense of the place from where the sound was coming. She walked towards the balcony and attached her ear with the glass door, wondering if the sound was coming from outside and over the other balcony, cause it looked like to her that someone was moaning in s****l pleasure from a distant spot and opening up the balcony, she found that the almost nudist neighbors were surprisingly not the source of those sounds. Walking back inside the apartment, she felt her feet frozen to her spot, as the sounds began echoing again and she finally realized where that sound was coming from. Looking at her brother’s jacket and the female skimpy top resting over the couch, Celeste’s eyes went wide, as she felt a wave of disgust enveloping her entire body. “NO!” she grunted lowly and immediately sprinted towards the narrow corridor that was adjacent to the entrance door of the apartment and led towards the two bedrooms of the apartment. Celeste walked ahead in to the apartment, passing in front of her own bedroom, and reaching towards the one that was situated in the very corner of the house and belonged to her brother. She had given the master bedroom with the attached bath, to him so that he could have as much privacy as he wanted. Whilst she herself survived on the share bathroom of the house, that was present right in front of her own bedroom. Reaching towards her brother’s bedroom, she rested her ear next to the door and felt a wave of disgust wrangling her guts as she heard the moaning sounds coming out crystal clear. It was definitely her brother moaning along with another girl and Celeste felt the ground underneath her feet spin around, making her lose balance of her entire existence. ------------------------------------------                            What would you do, if you were in Celeste's situation and accidently peaked on someone having s*x? I mean obviously feel disgusted, right? :P  Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3 
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