Fresh Meat

1291 Words
Nate's POV I’m in the middle of f*****g Rachel when the news breaks. “Harder,” she’s moaning to me as I slam into her from behind. “Come on, Nate. All that strength you’ve got, and you can’t give me a better f*****g than this?” I slap her ass for that, causing her to cry out in pain. I’m a Physical, if you didn’t get that, which means when I slap a b***h, it f*****g hurts. I’m not paying attention to her, though—not really. There’s something going on outside. “They just Blinked into the Academy!” someone is shouting. “We’ve gotta get over there!” I reach backwards for the door, thrusting it open while still thrusting into Rachel. She shrieks, cursing at me, but I ignore her. “Who’s at the Academy?” I shout to the nearest passerby—a wide-eyed, young, female teenager I wouldn’t half mind pulling in here with us. “What’s everyone talking about?” “Uh…” Her eyes trail down to the mostly-naked queen bee I’m railing, then back up to me. Her cheeks are blood red. “Harley Harris.” The girl tries to scamper off at that, but Rachel stops her with a sharp, frightening, "Hey." If the girl knew better, she'd keep walking. But instead, she looks right at Rachel. You don't lock eyes with a Siren unless you're willing to risk your own free will. "You'll forget you ever saw us," Rachel commands in an ice-cold tone. "And you'll close the f*****g door." With eyes glazed over like a zombie's, the girl nods obediently, lowers her head, and closes the door. "I f*****g hate you, Nate," Rachel hisses at me as I grab her ridiculously tiny waist and drive myself so deep and hard into her, I half think I might shatter her entirely. I don’t, though. Instead, I come inside of her, yank myself out, and chuck off the condom. “You're such a piece of s**t,” she grumbles as she reaches for her own things. “I’m never having s*x with you again.” “Yeah, yeah,” I say, rolling my eyes as I toss the condom into the trash and pull up my pants. “That’s what you said the last hundred times. But you always come crawling back for more. No one f***s as good as the Academy’s strongest Physical—not even Lover Boy.” Lover Boy, in case you were wondering, is Dash Teller. He’s supposed to be my best friend, but I also sort of hate his guts. As much as Rachel enjoys my c**k, she’ll never want me like she wants him. And he’ll never want her that way. Don’t bother trying to wrap your head around the friendcest for now—you’ll get into the rhythm of it eventually. I leave her at that, jogging down the stairs and following the stream of excited students across the courtyard and over to the Academy. It can’t be true, can it? Harley Harris, here at the Academy? Headmaster Tinsdale has given her personal invitations to come here once a year for the past five years, and she’s always turned him down. Even Dash’s parents offered her a high-ranking position within the Deviant Society, and she turned that down, too. As far as we knew, all she wanted to do was keep wreaking havoc on the world with that loser, Normal boyfriend of hers. It is true, I realize when I reach the front lawn of the Academy. She’s standing right there, arguing with Seth Oliver, looking like a f*****g rock star. Jesus Christ, she’s hot. Sure, some of it probably stems from knowing that she’s likely the most powerful Magic in the world—a true OP, gifted with all five types of abilities—and that she’s a total badass who lived on the run in America for most of her life. But it’s also that body—tight and toned—with t**s as big as Stella’s, a stomach even harder than Rachel’s, and an ass that kills. Her long, thick, raven-colored hair falls along the delectable curves of her torso, nearly to the small of her back, her infamous, silver-gray eyes burn with intensity, and those puffy, pink lips of hers have a split in them, probably from some fight along the way, that makes them look even more irresistible… I have to have her. “Seth,” I shout, jogging over to them. I try to offer her a sexy smile, but she doesn’t even look at me. “How’d you do it?” “Not now, Worthington,” Seth says, waving me away impatiently. “Harley, you’ve already made it here. Just give it a chance.” “No roommates,” she says stiffly. Even her voice is sexy—sort of husky and rough, like sandpaper. “You didn’t tell me that was part of the deal.” “Roommates are a requirement at the Academy—part of the assimilation process. The girl we’ve selected for you is very kind and very soft-spoken. You won’t have any problems with her, I—” “Hi,” interrupts a new voice from behind me—one that’s vaguely familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on. “That’s me.” I glance behind me, eyes bulging when I realize who it is: Payton Shields. Try as I might, I don’t think I’ve ever successfully gotten Payton to talk to me before. She’s a major babe, too, but freakishly quiet. If not for having heard her answer a few questions in class, I never would have heard her voice at all. “Payton,” Seth greets, sounding relieved. He offers Harley a gentle smile. “Harley, this is Payton Shields, your new roommate. Her previous roommate recently graduated and joined the Protective Society.” Harley glances warily at Payton, then her eyes flicker behind her, sizing up the massive crowd that’s gathered around us. “Fine,” she says curtly to the two of them. “Just take me to my room.” I move to follow them when they start to walk, but stop when Seth shoots me a Don’t even think about it glare. “What was all that about?” asks a voice from behind me. This voice, I recognize: Dash. I turn around, grinning when I see the pretty, little blond clinging to his arm. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who got lucky tonight. “Fresh meat,” I tell him. “Harley Harris finally made it here. And, holy hell, is she a smoke show.” “She wasn’t that hot,” grumbles Rachel, who apparently followed me out here after I left her in my room. She’s with Stella, as usual. “Trashy-looking, if you ask me.” Dash ignores Rachel, as usual, and turns to me with wide eyes. “Seriously? She’s here?” My fists inadvertently clench. “Yeah, she’s here. And I’ve got dibs, bro. So stay the f**k back.”
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