1947 Words

She turned him round and said, “Paulina, this is my brother, Maximus, of whom we have so often talked. I hope you two will be friends.” Paulina curtseyed as the Prince bowed. She had been watching him ever since he came into the room and thought that he was even better looking than the portraits of him that she had seen at The Palace at Altauss. He was also taller than most of the Russians in the room and had a lithe athletic grace, which she appreciated came from hard riding and taking a great deal of exercise. As she rose and raised her eyes to the Prince, he held out his hand. “Enchanté, mademoiselle.” “No, no!” the Princess cried. “You must speak English to her. Paulina is English. The daughter of Sir Christopher Handley, who has come to Altauss as the British Minister.” At thi

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