Chapter 20: Tired as hell.

1068 Words
"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah...." Right now... It's almost night... I haven't eaten Lunch... And Mashura hasn't even call me to eat lunch. Which makes me think that she's still training... It doesn't feel good for sure... But I keep persevering trying to complete this weapon for her... She's training really hard to the point that she didn't eat Lunch... Right now, the only thing keeping me away from finishing this Weapon is the fact that I need the Energy Reactor... I'm still printing the Energy Reactor using the Printer. I made the Energy Reactor using some left over Alloy... It's really hard to construct... Because the Minimal Requirement of the Energy Reactor needed to have the power needed to push opponent is bigger than the Sword itself... So the only thing that I can do with it is just to make it aesthetically pleasing... It's going to erase the essence of surprise. But it's going to look very cool. You know... Mashura is a really cool lady... So I feel like a cool sword is going to help her with it... "But wait a minute... Then this one edge sword is not going to make a better weapon for her then! Ah shoot... Rather than making a katana... I could just make a normal sword or even a great sword... Ah shit..." Well... You know what, Nothing that I can do other than make new sword... So I melt Steel and Mithril once again at a perfect ratio... And now, I waited a bit longer... And the moment the Alloy finished... I immediately get to work. Using the Laser Cutter I shape the Sword... I activate the Grindstone and started sharpening the sword... I make sure that I make it as sharp as possible before I laced it with special stuff... The Eternal Sharpness Liquid... This Liquid is a magical substance that prevent your blade to rust or even dulled... But of course, it's going to be kept in the same stage... You can't sharpened it, nor dulled it... So it's not going to leave anything... It can be broken by something laced with the same thing... It's not that rare to be honest. You can find one at a high end Forgery. Not a small one, because they never want to use this. Not only that it cost a lot, it's also prevent people from buying replacement from the one they break... Anyway... I make a hole on the back of the Handle... I use this really amazing thing to make a spiral inside the hole... And then, I put that same spiral to the Rotating Energy Reactor... The Energy Reactor is rotating just like the stone of life... And the fact that it's rotating around is cool in on itself... Anyway... I screw the Energy Reactor Tight and then Link it to the Edge of the Blade... Now, I just need to make a Trigger system for it... I doubt that normal Trigger like my Railgun Trigger is going to work best... And that's where an Idea come... Sure, Normal Trigger won't work... But what if it's linked to your brain? Just like how I use my Drone... It doesn't need any controller or anything... I just control it using my brain... That could be a great idea... Let's make it then!  I plant the same stone that I plant in the front of the Railgun and Drone. On the Bottom of the Rotating Energy Reactor... So if she just think 'Shoot' the energy would blast enemy far to the front. And then... Before I notice it... My head started to fuzz... My eyes started to go in and out... My energy is all gone... My brain has eat up most of my battery for the day... I'm Tired as hell... I can't even stand up properly... So the only thing plausible I can do before passing out is... I link myself with the Intercom and then said... "Help..." And then I pass out... The Intercom reveal what Alfredo Message is... It's a simple call for help... Of course... Mashura is enjoying her training right now... She's sweating like crazy... But for some reason, she doesn't even look tired. In fact, she keep moving like she's fighting someone... She's thinking about fighting someone strong... And that someone is Alfredo. She believes that Alfredo has something that he's yet to show to her... And he sure does... His serious movement has yet to be shown to Mashura yet. If Alfredo is really serious when he's sparring with Mashura... She can enjoy moving at her full speed and as wild as she can... Anyway... She decided to stop for a bit and then take a chug of water... This is how she keep her training. If she is tired, she stop and drink. And because there's unlimited supply of water... She easily grab all the free water she needed... And it's also come automatically for her... And then, the Intercom comes into the Dojo... Of course... It's Alfredo voice. It sounded really tired... Even though he asked for Help. It doesn't look like it's a big emergency... "Ah... So he worked himself until he passed asleep... Jeez this boy... Need to keep an eye on this boy if not, He's going to break soon..." Mashura walk to the Engineering Room. She decided to look only on the floor so that she can't see what Alfredo is working on and then she pick him up... "Jeez... You work so hard... You need to rest every once in a while Alfredo..." Mashura muttered with affection... Alfredo open his eyes slightly and then smile softly... Mashura continue bringing Alfredo straight to the Bedroom. She put him on the bed and then also decided to sit on the floor... "Well... Might as well sleep beside him... The more I spend time with him, the more he is going to love me, and me to love him..." Mashura quickly changed her clothes to her usual sleeping wear... Which is pretty much the same as her training wear. Sports bra and Shorts... Showing as much of her perfectly round body as she can... She sat down on the bed and then press a button. Turning off the light in the room... She fall down to the bed and then hug Alfredo really tight... She kiss him right on the back of his head and pass out asleep...
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