Chapter 3

1554 Words

Chapter 3Colton raised his phone. “Mom just texted. Wants to know when we’re coming by.” Johnny nodded, watching as Lea’s car went around the corner and out of their sight. “We just ate.” “We can eat again.” Johnny shrugged. “Whatever.” “Okay, I’ll text her.” Colton walked back inside the trailer. Johnny took the skateboard that was propped up the by door, and walked to a spigot, then cleaned the mud that caked its wheels. The July storms had pushed dirt down the slope into their trailer and the long lattice skirt that covered the crawlspace had fallen again. Brendan had complained to the county that run off from rain would go through their cul-de-sac, on their way to the bay fifty yards away from their trailer. Despite promises to correct the stormwater run-off and the debris it woul

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