
1310 Words

Kira groaned out in pain as the whip landed on her back for the fifth time. It had happened so fast before she could explain it to the Luna Queen. They had stripped her of her clothes and tied her in a room with no window. The Luna Queen sat in front of her while she watched the guards whip her with a strong black rod. "Halt!" Luna Queen Chloe ordered the guard to stop hitting Kira. She stood up and moved closer to Kira. she touched Kira's red face and tutted. "Are you ready to confess now?" Kira groaned out in pain as another whip landed on her back. "What with you people and your barbaric culture," she said through gritted teeth. "I didn't steal anything. I was only assigned as the king's.." Chloe slapped her across the face before she could finish her sentence. "You pathetic human!

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