A Normal Day in Onoda Household

1616 Words

When I arrived home, Haruko and Akane were in the living room, playing Jenga blocks along with Miwa-nee and Minoru. Judging from how high the block stack is, they had just started. On their side, each one already had a block taken from the stack and it's currently Minoru's turn. He kept on observing the tower to see any viable block to take. Unfortunately, even after ruminating for a while, each block he picked made the tower shake just by touching it. And in this exact moment when I entered from the doorway, confused as to why there's no one at the door. Upon seeing me, Minoru quickly ran towards me. He's teary-eyed as if he was being bullied by them. "Ru-nii! Help me!" "Welcome back, husband." "Welcome back, hubby." "Minoru, you have to greet him first." Akane and Haruko gleefull

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