Hickey (2)

1317 Words

“Ugh… One. Let me leave my mark too, Ruki. One is enough!” saying that in a half-pleading and half-requesting tone, if she also kneeled down then I would eventually feel bad. In the end, looking at her and weighing my choice to either let her do it or not, my resistance to prevent the other girls from leaving more marks in my body completely crumbled… “If it will satisfy my Satsuki then… go on.” Leaving her shoulders alone, I straightened my back as I stood in front of her with my arms wide open, gesturing for her to do what she wanted to me. Upon seeing that, the girl’s eyes instantly flashed her extreme and rarely shown excitement. Putting me in her embrace, Satsuki immediately kissed my lips before smiling beautifully, devoid of that jealousy in her eyes towards Akane. “p*****t Ruki

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