
1498 Words

As soon as I finished saying that, I closed my eyes and waited. Waited for a hand to drop on my cheek. With that kind of revelation, if that didn’t happen then... I would suspect that Arisa-senpai was truly blinded by her attraction towards me. Well, that’s not an issue anymore as a few seconds later, I felt Arisa-senpai’s hold on me instantly loosened followed by a rather forceful push from her. And for the finishing touch, a sharp stinging pain landed on my cheek along with the crisp sound of a slap. Even though I expected and prepared for this, that slap still hurts. It felt like she used all her strength on it. In any case, I knew I deserved it so I took it without even a grimace on my face. “How dare you?! Stay away from me! Stay away from Nanami!” Following that hatred-filled v

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