Creating a Situation

1943 Words

Leaving us alone in this wide Student Council Room, it's only natural for me to take this time to get even closer to Shizu. After comforting and praising her, I went back to my role as her secretary. Brewing a tea for her and carefully attending to her needs. In time, she went back to her table and started working on some papers. Since we finished a big stack last Friday, Shizu's paperwork for today is just a few centimeters thick. With my help, she finished in less than fifteen minutes. "Ruki…" Sensing that I'm not trying to take advantage of this situation to stick closer to her, Shizu called out to me. Lifting her chin for a bit, her chair turned and stopped, facing me. "Is there a problem, Shizu?" "You're behaving yourself." "Well, I already hugged you earlier. If I do more, you'

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