Bringing the Two at Home

2205 Words

"Shio, we can stop somewhere if it's hard for you to drive." "No. I'm fine, your house is already near. I'll take a rest when we arrive." Since she's the only one with a license and could drive, we could only leave the place when she calmed down. "Alright. Remember, I'm just here beside you, Shio." I put my hand over her hand that was resting on the gearshift. She looked at it for a bit and nodded. What happened tonight is something that she needs to think about by herself but if she ever needs someone, I'll always be there for her. Besides, I'm bringing her home with me. I already told Akane about the change in the situation and asked her to prepare a room for Shio for the time being. "Why am I dragged here by you? He needs me, Ruki." Suddenly, Nao, who was on the backseat, calle

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