
1578 Words

Hisa-jii and Coach Ayu left us after that. Hisa-jii has to man the front of the gym again while Coach Ayu would be making the Training Program. If she finished it early, she would not need to send it to me anymore. I could receive it while I was there. Due to that, Sena and I once again got the time for ourselves. However, after a few minutes of rest where she let me use her thigh to rest my head on, opposite of what happened last week, we started her training for the day. Despite the pout she showed me, I became the same strict trainer of hers. With her training exercises already listed, I didn't really need to watch over her. However, to make sure that she's not making any mistakes, I watched her throughout everything. Once she's done, she asked me for a massage before we went in to

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