Shio's House Visit

1999 Words

After a few minutes, Shio couldn't help but break the silence between us. "Why did you pick our school instead of that school near your house?" "Will you believe my reason?" I am still on my phone, chatting with Akane. I guess this doesn't bother Shio. "Why will I not?" "Well, I was running away." After all that. Running away is still my reason. What would've happened if I didn't choose another school? Will I still realize things I couldn't before? "You? Running away? From what? From who?" "You're free to guess." "It concerned those targets you stole, yes? You're running away from responsibility." "You became silent. So, it's true." I couldn't answer. I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I already told Akane I might come home with my teacher. Like Haruko said, Aka

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