
1322 Words

After dropping that kind of question, Auntie Yayoi gave me a sidelong glance, clearly waiting on how I would answer that. The first thing that flashed in my mind upon hearing that was to reflexively say ‘yes’. Bluntly telling her how far Mina and I had gone with our relationship. Like most couples, everything started with holding hands, hugging each other, kissing and from there, the intimacy would get more s****l. As of now, there were only two instances that we’ve gone beyond kisses. Moreover, the first time it happened was inside Edel’s room and we were not alone. It’s more of a lesson; given that it happened after Haruko and I had s*x in front of them… The next time was when we were in her room. No doubt. Auntie Yayoi would be devastated if she learned of those occurrences. She’s p

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