The Meeting with Sakuma

1661 Words

"Ah. Sakuma already met Setsuna-nee." Satsuki mentioned while we were eating the cakes we ordered. There's also another heart-shaped sliced that was given by the owner. "Really? What happened?" "Un. Setsuna-nee arrived yesterday and she quickly went out to see him at their house. As to what happened to their meeting, I didn't ask." Does that mean her sister still likes him? I haven't met her yet but considering how she gave up Sakuma for Satsuki's wish, she's like someone who can abandon you without a second thought. However, this action from her to see him first thing after arriving… "Your sister, does she still like him?" "I don't know… Even I found it strange for her to do that. Ever since Sakuma stopped coming to our house, she only asked me about him but never met him again."

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