Good mood

1282 Words

Just like these past few days, Serizawa-senpai was once again next to Haruko when I entered the Book Club. Perhaps remembering last night where she clung to me until she fell asleep, the silver-haired senpai covered her blushing face as soon as she caught sight of me. In any case, that’s that, it’s not like I would tease her about it. It’s part of helping her. So instead of intentionally talking to her, I just went to check on Aya who’s already at her corner and Haruko. Naturally, she heard about my skipping three classes. With a hint of worry in her eyes, Haruko asked me about Otoha and the situation with her family. Although I told them where I was, I hadn’t elaborated on the details. At the moment, I still haven't received a new update if her grandfather already woke up but there’s

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