Aya's Boldness

1292 Words

The long day ended and Friday finally arrived.  When I arrived at our classroom wherein I was among the first five, Satsuki, who was slumped at her seat, lifted her head and handed me a container filled with lemonade she made. “That’s all yours, I prepared another one for us later,” Satsuki said as she lifted another container to show me. After saying that, she didn’t bother about the few students who witnessed our exchange as she stood up and left the classroom. Naturally, she still had morning practice with her club. The only reason she was here was to give me the lemonade. Well, this was also why I went to school early. Fortunately, Akane and I weren't that tired last night so going this early became possible. As soon as Satsuki’s figure disappeared from the classroom, one of our

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