Sakuma and Ogawa

1231 Words

After doing our daily routine, informing Akane about the clean-up drive of our school this Sunday and telling Miwa-nee about what Nao would be sending later, we set out for school. Since her period was over, Akane herself told me that I didn't need to send her up to the platform anymore. Well, because it was already somewhat of a habit, if she didn't tell me, I would be taking her to school again. When I was on the train, Aika, Hiyori, Miyako, Miho and Yua asked me after our morning greetings about when I would send Akane again. They also wanted their turn after all. And following them, even Aoi, Sena and Otoha also asked if they would also have a turn. Naturally, I positively replied to them. Besides, they're the ones deciding who would meet me anyway. But I guess, hearing my confir

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