
1707 Words

After sending back Hina to the Girl's Changing Room, I went back to the classroom, still in my PE Uniform. Because I only showed up this time when the class was already gearing up to meet with their respective Mentors, all their eyes fell upon me. However, upon not getting the reaction they were anticipating from me, they all went back to their own worlds, except from Ogawa who's still glaring at me. Well, even now, that's all he could do. He didn't even open his mouth to ask me about Hina. So like everyone else, I ignored him and went to my seat. Satsuki and Nami weren't in the room but as soon as I sat down, Aya updated me about their whereabouts. "They went to change back to their uniforms." She whispered, making sure that no one will hear it except me. I guess those two predicted

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