Chapter 5 Grace POV

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I waited all week for something to happen. Going to work has never been so stressful. I constantly looked around me waiting for someone from HR or Paul to come and escort me into a meeting room. For them to explain to me I was being let go. Following it up with a lot of big worded terminology that would basically mean you called the CEO an asshole. But by Friday, nothing had happened. I even heard Paul say it looked like Mr Johnson had left town again. No one had seen him since that day. I started to relax, that maybe he wasn't as strict as people were saying. I mean, technically, I didn't call him an asshole, I said people had said he was one. Oh yea and arrogant , cant forget I called him arrogant too. All week I had been having very vivid dreams too, definitely inappropriate and wishful thinking dreams on my part. Very kinky for me too. He had bent me over his desk and spanked me for being so outspoken and rude. Not normally my thing like I said, but it had definitely made me wake up with a damp core. His voice and eyes haunted me too. I had started googling him when I was lying in bed at night. Searching imagine after image of him, swell as checking if he was currently seeing anyone. Like that would matter to me , I mean seriously. But aye, a lonely girl could have fantasies right. It was better than the nightmares that sometimes haunt me , where a belt being unbuckled and pulled out of the denim loops would send me into a cold sweat. I had long gotten over my fears , I wouldn't let them hold me back. I didn't flinch or cower from a quick arm movement anymore. But I guess in my relaxed state my subconscious still thought about everything from back then. I had a strong ability to forget things that hurt me, shove them in a box and just, I guess, ignore them. I had read books and the internet searched for how I could. I guess I thought there was something wrong with me. How could anyone live through some sort of trauma and be OK ? But it apparently was normal , to black out things that traumatized us. When lunch came around, I was starving and since today was pay day. I always treated myself to something from the buildings' canteen. It actually served proper meals , ones that were homely. Not like the quick cheap meals I make at home. So I happily skipped down to the canteen. There wasn't as much choice at the moment with it being the holidays. But one thing that did catch my eye. It was a Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings. My eyes lit up, as I saw that for dessert it was also Jam roly poly with custard, one of my favorite desserts. " What can I get you today, Grace ? " I looked up and saw Beverley smiling at me. The elderly lady who worked in the canteen. I gave her a huge smile, she was lovely and had always been so nice to me. When she saw me eating down here with Claire and I had my packed lunch, she sometimes came and snuck me a bun. She told me I was too slim all the time. I definitely wasn't , like I said, I was blessed with hips and a booty to match. But she said I still was. " Hi Bev , can I have Christmas dinner please? With the dessert," She toileted her head to the side and studied me. " Of course " she said her eyes still assessing , with a little squint to them. I knew it was coming before she asked it. Bev had a secret power, I think. She was also a person that liked to look after people, a real mumsy type. " Going anywhere for another Christmas dinner , like your parents or somewhere ? ". It stung, I admit, but I couldn't blame her. Whenever she asked about my family, I dodged the question. Pretty much like I do with everyone else that asks too. I shook my head and put on my best smile, " Not this year , but yours here will be better than anywhere I would have been going anyway ", and laughed nervously at the end. That's when Bev looked to the side of me, her eyes widened a little. It makes me look out of curiosity. I came face to face with the green eyes that had been haunting me all week. He was standing close to me in the line. Like really close, barely an inch between us. How had I not felt him come and stand there ? Probably because I had been lost in my own awkwardness with Bevs' question. He didn't smile or greet me. He just stood there face impassive, looking down at me. The tension between us became heated , I felt trapped in his stare. Like he held me captive with it. Then he breaks the spell, looking away and at Bev. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. " I will have the same thank you " he said to her. Which tells me he just heard everything. I looked at Bev, who was looking at me with a knowing smile. " Sure , I will ring them over for you both if you want to go grab a seat together . No point eating lonely now is there ? ". She looks between us grinning. What was she insinuating? That I will go sit with him. No defiantly not, I would eat a single thing. Looks like he didn't think so either, because he thanks her, gives her some money and then walks off. Shakily, I dug out my purse and asked for a diet cola too and paid on my card. " Thank you Bev ", I said to her. She laughs and fans her face. " That was a fine specimen of man , you should go eat with him. You know, seeing as he hasn't taken his eyes off of you yet " she jokes. Had to be a joke. Well, the reason she thinks it is for anyway. I shook my head at her. " You know who he is right ?" I asked her. She just shrugs, " a good looking man" she answers. I lower my voice and lean forward " Thats Dominic Johnson the new CEO" . I told her that like it was a conspiracy. She leans forward too and lowers her voice. " So a rich good looking man who still hasn't stopped looking at you , go eat with him. " I shook my head. No , why would she think a man like him would want me? Maybe she was a little bit crazy. She disapprovingly rolls her eyes at me and wonders off into the kitchen to give our orders. Taking a deep breath, I turned around. My eyes scanned the canteen until I saw him and his head was down. See , he wasn't looking at me. I walked to the opposite end of the canteen and sat down by myself. I don't know why , but I didn't put my back to him. I sat so I was facing him. When I looked up this time for a sneaky peek. Because I was human after all and he was gorgeous. This time he was staring at me and looking annoyed. Like I had pissed him off. He shakes his head and huffs , then grabs his phone off of the table and stands up. My heart beats a mile a minute as I watch him stalk over to this table. The closer he gets, the more I feel like I'm about to pass out. I hope and pray he just sits at another table. Like for some reason, he didn't like that table or anything. But no such luck. He glided his way over to me with a walk that was strong and elegant , with a dominance that took over the room. He stops at my table, pulls out the chair and elegantly sits down across from me. " Am I too scary to eat lunch with Miss Holmes ?" he says as he gets comfortable putting his phone down. I shook my head no. " Ermm no, well you didn't invite me to sit down with you. Bev she means well but she likes to meddle . So I just came over here ". I looked away nervously. " To the furthest chair you could find away from me ? I must not have made a very good impression before. Or maybe it's still all those rumors you are listening to ". My cheeks flared up bright red. Embarrassment floods me. " Calm down Grace , I was just joking. " He says low , too low for anyone else to hear. Maybe because he just used my first name. I don't know. The silence was awkward , but the tension between us was great. Or maybe it was just me. He seemed calm and relaxed as he studied me. Were as me , I felt like jumping the table and mauling at his expensive suit. " So , how has the last week been ? " he asks, completely throwing me off. I didn't expect him to ask something like that. Well I suppose I had no idea what to expect if I was honest. Ermmm , well, Dominic, I believe I have gray hair and have aged more this last week than ever because of stress you will sack me. But of course I couldn't say that. So instead , I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the nervous lump in my throat. " Its been quite busy , I guess it is because there are only a few of us left on the phones ". There professional , I can do this. Just a rich. Good-looking man , that is what Bev had said, right ? He seemed to relax back a little in his chair too. A genuine smile that almost blinded me crossed his mouth. Wow , asif someone could get any better looking. He was definitely a walking sin. " Maybe we should back ground check new hires and make sure they are not all jetting off for the holidays, Or make it so many can not leave ". He replies , I panicked. My eyes going wide. i didn't want to get holidays taken from people. He laughs a little at my expression as Bev comes to the table to drop off our food. Grinning happily because it looks like we are getting on.
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