Chapter 8 Dominic POV

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Looking at the picture the delivery guy sent me of Grace holding the box made me happy. I mean she looked a little confused and also very concerned. But I was happy she got it. She would know it was me hopefully. But I didn't care. I had been roped into coming to a friend's house I had in this city. He was ordering Christmas dinner food from an upscale restaurant. He lived alone too and I guess he knew I would be eating alone and I told him to add one on. He had looked at me oddly , especially when I asked it to be boxed separately. Then it was shipped off. It took me quite a few favors and money to get it delivered. But again, I didn't care. The restaurant wouldn't deliver it to Grace's neighborhood or I would just have got them to deliver it after our food. I couldn't go myself . I didn't know Grace really, but I had a feeling she wouldn't want me there. " Dominic " I looked up to see William looking at me oddly. " Are you going to tell me who you sent that meal off too ?" I grinned and shook my head at him. " It is of no concern of yours old friend " I laughed. He just huffed at me and picked up his wine glass. William was a friend from boarding school. I have known him since we were ten. He had done well for himself too , but he wasn't the best socially. He made his money online. He founded his own sales site that has made him millions now. Not that he needed it. Williams' father had passed young only a few years ago and left Will everything. But he didn't flaunt his wealth except from this nice big house in a nice neighbourhood. I think he only bought this home for the security and privacy he got with it. He often said it was way too big. He could be in all the magazines he wanted and be invited to the most elite parties alongside of me. But he didn't , he remained hidden. He had been forced to live publicly as a child , his mother and father had been actors. I think that is why he now hides. He had his life picked apart for years. If he partied as a teen it was shown. The biggest scandal was when Will was spotted with a guy in a gay club. Will wasn't ashamed of being gay. But he just didn't see the need to justify his life to people. A big part of why I admired him. He moved away from our home city and came here. He was ecstatic that I had acquired a company here. For this exact reason, so that two lonely men could eat dinner together on shitty days like today. " Fine don't tell me. But do you care to tell me why you haven't gone home for the holiday," he asks instead. I picked up the glass of red wine and took a large gulp. Then I looked up at him again, he had a geekish charm. He was slender built with dirty blonde hair that fell over his forehead and glasses. I had no idea why he was so shy. Men would flock over him , I was straight and even I could appreciate his innocent bookish looks. " Father keeps banging on at me to wed. Every time I speak with him, he has another woman's name in his mouth. Offering her to me like he was discussing what bottle of wine he was serving up for dinner ". Will grimaces , he knows my father. He knows he's a good man, but he could be overly pushy. To my father, image was everything. It was what got you your success in my father's eyes.Then mother backed him up. " Why has he become so obsessed by it ?" Will asks. I shrugged , I wasn't old in my eyes. I was only 32. " Because I am 32 with not even a girlfriend". Will huffs and sits back, another cute thing about Will. If he cared for you , what hurt you hurt him. When he loved, he loved firmly and I think after the one or two heartbreaks he had with d***s that just saw his money and what they thought would be fame. It had scared him even more to come out from behind these walls. They all split when they realized he wasn't about to go flaunting their relationship just to get them there thirty minutes in the limelight. I had often believed and told him. Because Will knew of the scene I was in. I had told him I believed he was a submissive. I had seen the spark of interest and want in his eyes when I brought it up. But he was too scared to try. I think that was why he clung to me as a friend when all of our other friendships we had from boarding school had dwindled away. That's why when we sat just relaxing he sat a little closer. I didn't mind when sometimes he would place his head on my shoulder. I knew he wasn't in love with me that way. I just knew he craved affection and touch. He was always so touchy. He had always been. He was at his calmest when I would throw my arm over his shoulders or let him be nearer. " Parents suck " he makes a notice in the back of his throat, one of disgust. Which I laugh at. " They do " I agree. He also gives me brat vibes at times. If only I could make him see that was what he needed. A dom , one that would show him all the affection he needed. I knew of one I thought would be perfect. Gregg , I just had to bide my time for the right way to introduce them. I saw him eyeing me again. I know what he's wanting. He hates not knowing things. I cant help the grin that spread over my face. He calls me a d**k under his breath and rolls his eyes. " Now, now that's not nice William ", I chided him. He gets a little pout and this time I belly laugh across the table at him. " Fine if me not telling you is bothering you so much " I told him, picking up my glass and standing up. I made my way into his sitting room and took a seat on the sofa, placing my glass on his coffee table. As expected, he sits down right at the side of me, only a few inches gap. Which loads would find weird if there were two other sofas close by, which there were. He looked at me expectantly , but I was not sure how to start. I didn't even know what my obsession was myself. " In the new gambling company I bought, I met this girl. " I paused, assessing my thoughts. " The moment my eyes landed on her I felt this obsession with her. I have never felt anything like it before. This is not just an obsession, Will. The feelings I have make me want to breathe her in. I don't even know this girl yet. I can't shake thinking of her continually. She distracts me". I sigh and stare off into space " She , well I get the feeling she's broken. That her past is not a good one". I pause and Will fills the silence with a question I had been asking myself." And you want to fix her ?" he says. I look at him and he's looking at me knowing. "It's what you do Dom ", he laughs, lowly. " You buy companies and fix them, You stuck around in this friendship with me because you see I need fixing too. I know that , I know you love me in your own way like I do you. But what straight boy at the age of ten who is a popular cocky boy. Make friends with the quiet little geeky kid? Then, what grown man comes running to his friends when he rings them hammered and crying because another man broke his heart and lets the little gay guy hug him all night in bed just so he feels better ". I scowled at him " A good friend does ". I snapped at him. But Will just rolled his eyes. " Yea OK, any normal guy would tell him to man up and definitely not big spoon him to sleep". He holds his hands up when I harden my stare at him. " Hey, I'm not complaining about your my best friend Im glad your comfortable around me and in yourself to do that and not assume I want your ass. Because I definitely don't think that it would be gross. Not that your not a looker ", he tries to rectify his words when I make a hurt look. I laugh as he stumbles and he punches my arm. I got what he meant, it would be gross. Even though we are the same age , I kind of saw him as a little brother figure. " Asshole , what I'm saying is, if you are going to pursue this girl. Make sure she isn't just a project to fix. I know you and know you wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone. But make sure it's her you like, not her issues. Before you go all Dom the Dom on her " . he smirks at his little joke there at the end,. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. " She isn't , Plus I cant. She is an employee and my world would eat her alive. I don't know what her background is. But if she is broke because of things she now hides. You and I both know. The press don't stop until they dig up every little one of them". Will nods his face, getting sad because of his own traumas with them. " Yea , I get that. But Dom. Hate to tell you this, but you're already involved. The fact, you just went out of your way to send her food because I'm guessing she's alone. You don't do that. You don't normally care enough to do that. Unless, of course, they are important to you, then there is nothing you wouldn't do". He stands up and walks off. I'm going to get another bottle. It looked like it was becoming one of those nights where I would be passed out drunk on his sofa with him laid on the other sofa when I woke up. Was I already involved ? If I could trust anyone's judgment of me, it would be Wills. He is the only one I talked to openly about anything. He knew me. Did I just want to fix her ? I didn't think so. I didn't always see Grace the broken girl. I saw Grace the f*****g walking wet dream. either way , no matter what Will said. I couldn't act on anything. Today sending her that food was me calming something down in me. f**k, it was a need to care for her. Wasn't that the same as fixing in a way ?
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