Chapter 12-2

2035 Words

“Not surprised,” I say on a shallow breath. We pull into the driveway, and Travis takes Gryff from me before getting out. “Let’s take him for a walk.” He flashes a knowing smile and winks. We silently walk hand in hand as Travis holds his leash with his free hand. It’s so peaceful and easy, and I almost forget Drew is in the house sulking. “I’m really going to miss you when you leave,” he says in a soft tone. He doesn’t look at me, but I can see that his mind is going a thousand miles a minute. “I’m going to miss you, too.” I squeeze my hand in his, letting him know everything I don’t know how to say. “Gryff will like taking all these walks with you when I’m gone.” “He’ll be pretty big by the time you return.” “Maybe show him a picture of me every few days, so he doesn't forget,” I s

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