
1205 Words

PROLOGUE COURTNEY ONE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a queen who ruled her own kingdom. She didn’t need a king beside her because she was confident, strong, and smart without one. She knew men only brought heartache, and there was no time for that, but if there ever was a man who could stand beside her, he’d be the strongest, smartest, most protective guy she could ever ask for. He’d be her best friend and The One. …Excuse me while I drown in my own tears. There is absolutely, positively no way a guy and a girl who live together as roommates could ever become anything more. I hoped it would, but after several clear-as-day hints, I’ve come to terms that just friends is all we’ll ever be. He doesn’t see me the way I see him. And he was Drew Fisher. My

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