Chapter 21

3116 Words

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE TRAVIS “Where are we going?” Viola asks, fidgeting in her seat as we hit the highway. “Someplace quiet, with no distractions or other people around.” “Where’s that?” I shake my head. “C’mon,” she whines. “Just a little hint.” “Let’s just say…we shouldn’t have bothered packing clothes because—” “Because you plan to f**k me six ways to Sunday?” she finishes for me with a hopeful smile. “I plan to have you counting higher than six, princess.” I smirk over at her, grabbing her hand in mine and placing a kiss over her knuckles. “Loudly, too.” “Okay, but I hope you plan to let me nap in between this time,” she quips, referring to the first time we had s*x after Ginny was born. She’d only been two months old and wasn’t sleeping longer than three hours at a time. We’d

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