Chapter 18

2299 Words

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN TRAVIS It’s finally the night I’ve been waiting for, and even though Viola’s only been back for a few weeks, it feels like nothing’s changed at all. Well, except that she’s carrying my baby, we’ve been apartment hunting together, and she tells me she loves me every day. Six months ago, I was at a dead-end job that I no longer felt passionate about. The girl of my dreams had just moved across the country, and my best friend would barely speak to me. I’d screwed up, and I’ll live with that for the rest of my life, but I can’t say I’m not happy about where that has all lead me. Drew and I worked out our differences. King Marketing is becoming a reality, Gryff finally stopped chewing on all my damn expensive shoes, and most importantly, Viola is finally mine. I couldn’t be

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