Chapter 17

2875 Words

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN DREW I hate that I have to go back to work already. It was nice having a few days off and getting to be with Courtney as much as possible, but it still doesn’t seem real. By the time we return from taking Viola and Travis home, I have to get ready to leave. Courtney pouts and it’s so damn cute. “Can’t I come with you? I’ll sit in the back quietly,” she pleads, wrapping her arms around me. “I’ll keep all the criminals in check.” “I have no doubt you would.” I kiss her forehead. “I’ll come in and tuck you in when I get home.” “You better stay and sleep with me.” She tightens her grip. “I will. It’ll be the only time I can lay with you without getting groped,” I tease. “Don’t get used to it.” She smirks. I kiss her goodbye and head out, feeling something I’ve never

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