Chapter Eight:

2085 Words
Lucas’s POV: The blue, red and white lights of the carnival flashed across the large open field and shone in striped wonder across the shallow parts of the sea. The more the hypnotic music pumped, the faster the lights would go and the people felt themselves being sucked into the colorful area of fun. My eyes cannot peel away from Sarah, who is looking between the rides with a look of pure joy. I can’t help but chuckle at how her beautiful, green eyes sparkle as she watches the people dipping and flying through the air. “Don’t tell me you haven’t been to a carnival before?” I ask and she looks at me with a broad smile and a slight blush. She is so beautiful. It has been a day of helping Natasha make thousands of chip twisties for her store. I was a little nervous to introduce the two, considering all the rumors, but hopefully, Sarah knows that Natasha and I will NEVER be more than friends. I even overheard Natasha telling Sarah this. “I have, but when I was much younger. I forgot how much fun it all looks!” She giggles and the sound is breathtaking. Why have I never seen this enticing side to Sarah? “Well, you haven’t seen anything, until you have had one of these.” I admit and chuckle as I pull her close to where the candy floss store is. Her eyes marvel at the large, pink puffs of sugar. I feel proud that I get to see her this happy. She grabs her stick of sweetness and begins picking at it, my heart jolting every time I see her moaning at the way it melts in her mouth. “It’s so good, Lucas.” She moans again and I chuckle. This time her voice ignited something far more inappropriate inside of me. I smile down at her. Does she even realize how she makes me feel? We carry on walking through the stalls, my face dancing between her bright expression and the rainbow lights coming from all the rides. I love how they form soft hues on her cheeks and make her green eyes look even more vibrant. “Yo, Lucas!” A loud, male voice booms from one of the stalls. When Sarah and I turn around, I see it’s the guys from the college here. I usually socialize with them in the holidays, because they are good friends with Tom. When I zone in on all the figures, I see Tom also hanging around them with a curious expression as he watches Sarah and me. “Hey man! How are you doing?” I respond as we walk closer to the group of guys. They seem to be goofing around. I nod and smile at Tom, who can’t seem to peel his eyes from Sarah. For some reason, this makes me feel uncomfortable and a jealous feeling bubbles in my chest. “Yeah, we good. Man, did you see how smoking Natasha and her girls look tonight? Do you think she will go out with me?” The random asks and we all laugh. Sarah smiles softly, but I presume she doesn’t really feel comfortable chatting about other females like this. I snake my arm around her back, reassuring her that I am there. I don’t miss the lift on Tom's eyebrow as he sees Sarah look up at me with a gentle expression and a soft blush. “Yeah man, just go speak to her hey. Natasha is a lot more bark than bite.” I reply and the guys nod with excited expressions. Typical guys. “What about you guys?” Tom finally asks. Well, there it is. I look at Tom with a neutral expression as he offers me a mischievous glint in his eyes. I feel myself sighing internally at his question because I know exactly where it is coming from. In all my friend's eyes, I don’t date. Why is Tom trying to cause issues here for me? When I look down at Sarah, she is watching me with expectant eyes. I know whatever I say next will determine whether I get any chance with her in the future and if I behave like a toss, then it will be tickets for me. How do I retract my old ways though and become vulnerable in front of all these dudes who see me as some sort of female god? “This is Sarah. She and I are on a date tonight. Isn’t she beautiful?” I say, my face lifting into a smirk as I see Sarah blushing. Tom is watching me with an undertone of jealousy mixed with humor. I can’t help but feel somewhat guilty as the rest of them whistle and pat my back. Sarah is chuffed at my response, but she is too innocent to know that I offered as little as possible to these guys that would indicate any sort of serious commitment. They probably think I am going to take her home, give her a good time and then send her packing in the morning. This couldn’t be further from the truth, but how does one just completely go against their persona around friends? “Yeah, yeah. I will see you guys at the beach soon, yeah?” I reply and they all nod and say goodbye. I can see Tom holding onto his arrogance, which means I only offer a small but cold smile as Sarah and I walk away. I take Sarah’s hand in mine and start leading her to the Ferris wheel. She looks so lovely when she smiles like this and the way the skin on her cheeks shimmer in the evening light makes my insides buzz. What is this feeling every time I look at her? “So, we are on a date, huh?” She says, her lips pushed up in a perfectly pink smile. My heart melts at her happiness right now. “And we will be going on many more.” I confess. This makes her eyes twinkle and I feel my mouth going dry. To be truthful, I mean every word. There is just something about Sarah that makes me want to be there for her. I want to be the one who shows her the enjoyment in life. I want to be the one she feels happiness with. I want to take all of her firsts. I want her. This realization has my heart pumping out fast and I clear my throat and shake my head. “You alright?” She asks and I find myself chuckling at her cute look of concern. Our cart is moving around and around, offering the most magnificent view of the ships out at sea. “I have never been better, Sarah. You honestly surprise me every day, that’s all.” I say and she smiles softly. “Really, how so?” She asks and leans forward against the armrest of the cart we are in. I can’t help but admire how her soft, brown strands flicker in the moonlight and the way her lips glisten against the moist backdrop of the sea. There goes my heart again. “Well…” I say and she lifts an eyebrow. How is she so beautiful right now? “It’s just you make me feel things I haven’t really ever experienced with other girls.” I say softly and she looks away, biting her lips and smiling into the view. Why do I feel so anxious? “I know I have always been a player in your eyes. I know I haven’t always said the right things or been the most friendly person towards you, but if I could, I would rewind the clock and take it all back. It’s like the holidays began and I opened my eyes for the first time. Every time I look at your soft waves of hair, or the speckles of yellow mixed into your green eyes, or the way you bite your lip when you’re nervous…” I say and when she looks at me now I feel myself melting. She looks so radiant as a smile starts forming on her lips. “Every time I look at you, I feel myself slipping further and further into my feelings and it is making me feel really odd because I am not really the type to have had feelings or vulnerabilities like this before.” I add and there she goes, biting her lip again. The few seconds of silence, where she just looks at me, feels like torture. Did I go too far? Does she not feel the same? I should have said anything. “Lucas, I know you have always seen me as this naïve and serious girl. I have also never been in love before…” She says and it feels like the world has stopped moving. In love? My skin erupts into goosebumps as these words ring loudly in my head. Is that what this is? But how? We are still getting to know each other. “I also feel things when you’re around. I can’t explain it, but it’s like you have crept into my heart and mind and you’re occupying them.” She says and I feel the cart of the Ferris wheel stop turning. We are at the very top, overlooking the most spectacular view of the stars in the navy sky that melt into the specks of the ocean below. All I can concentrate on is the two very green, very breathtaking and completely consuming eyes looking back at me with adoration. “Sarah, you are…” I begin, but her lips crash onto mine before I can speak. Her actions take me by surprise as this is the first time she has ever initiated anything with me. Of course, my whole body melts into the kiss along with my mouth. Sarah grips the back of my neck with her warm fingers and I snake my hands to the sides of her waist. There is something exciting about the idea of Sarah starting the kiss. She wants me as much as I want her. I decide to test the boundaries and I slide my fingers under her t-shirt, resting them on the skin of her hips. She is so soft! When she gasps at my touch, I allow my tongue to slide into her mouth and drown out all of her little moans. Our lips fight for ownership of the kiss, but eventually, settle in a synchronized dance and I feel myself getting more and more turned on at the way her fingers are beginning to grip at my hair, the urgency she has to explore my mouth and the small pushes of her breasts against my body. Does she even know how sensual she is? I smirk as I squeeze her hips again, then trail my hands up slowly and carefully until they are on her waist. She hardly notices this, so I slide them up further until I find the soft padding of her bra. I won’t tease too much, so I settle on giving her lush peaks a little squeeze, my large hands loving the feeling of her tender buds under them. “Mmm…” Sarah moans into the kiss and this time wakes up my member. I go in to squeeze her again, but the cart starts moving and we both find ourselves very quickly pulling away from one another in a panting mess. For a moment, Sarah has wide eyes and I feel myself bubbling with guilt for putting her in this situation. Is she embarrassed? Then she looks at me and it’s as if all her concerns disappear, leaving her with a laugh that I didn’t know existed. Her face lifts into a big laugh, her whole body roaring in ecstasy and her chest vibrating with happiness. This reminds me of the day I saw her inside the library with her friend. The sound is incredible and makes me laugh too. So much for her being miss “serious”. All anyone would need to do is hear her infectious laugh. “What?” I chuckle out as she starts gasping for air from the laughter. She calms herself down and leans again me, still giggling in between breaths. “That was incredible.” She says and my face lights up. Yes, she is incredible.
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