Chapter Twenty:

2713 Words

Sarah’s POV: “Damn it!” I hiss as I throw the phone down onto the chair next to me. This babysitter is proving to be the most unreliable person I have ever encountered. Well, perhaps the second most after HIM. It’s been three years since college and his existence still makes my skin crawl. He has probably moved on by now. I know I read about him in the papers. It would seem he has taken after his father. Publicity in the architecture world, a long line of women just begging to be with him and endless money. I shake my head as I think about it. The gossip in the news has been proof enough that I made the right choice. HE will never be ready for me or these babies and I probably did all of us an enormous favor by keeping it all hidden. “MOMMY!” A loud cry echoed from the other side of th

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