The Stream:

1440 Words

The Stream: Jinx wasn’t sure when he woke up, but it remained dark, and Adriana had her nose a hand width from his. He tried to concentrate to see her, but the face focused blurry. The fire smoldered low, and she asked, “Are you all right, you were making strange noises in your sleep.” “Strange how?” “They sounded like him.” She pointed over at Lucky sleeping at the foot of her bedroll. “Whimpering.” Jinx focused on his dog lying at the woman’s feet, sound asleep, and thought, Traitor. And asked her, “Who are you?” “Your healer,” she said like she’d known him his whole life, and he had lost his memory. “Now stop whimpering and sleep.” He checked to make sure he still wore his gloves and fell back to sleep. When he opened his eyes again, the sun beamed brightly. Across from him, the

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