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“Congratulations!” Uncle Theo and Aunt Maisie exclaimed together. “Here’s something to add to the cheer!” Aunt Maisie handed me a gift that looks like a flat board wrapped in beautiful paper. “Oh, wow! Can I open it?” “Sure!” As I unwrapped it, a beautiful makeup studio displayed before me. “Wow! I have always wanted one like this. Thank you, Uncle Theo and Aunt Maisie. This is so beautiful. Look, mom!” “I am glad you liked it. Someday, more signature brands of makeup will get you as their model and you will be given makeups from lashes, lips, even perfume.” “Give? You mean free?” “Yes! They will pay you to try their line.” “Oh my! I hope Estee will get me, that’s mom’s fave!” “Let’s ask Brian, he might be able to get that. You know Brian is a good manager. He can market his models very well.” “Yeah, I have seen you both in so many signature clothes.” “You did?” “Yup! And I would always ask myself if I can be one myself. So when you asked me to come along, I instantly grabbed that.” “It has been her dream for several years now.” “Why didn’t you tell me, Emma?” “Well, you know your brother. He didn't want the limelight for Natalie.” “I know, my brother is so conservative. Well, that’s because he loves you so much, Natalie.” “I know. But mom, you think he will be proud of me now?” “He is and he was.” “Okay, we’re here.” “Great, we all should go out before you girls cry.” And we laughed at uncle Theo’s words. We went inside the restaurant and saw Brian and Mia in a secluded room. We hugged and kiss-cheeked at each other. “Congratulations Tahja and Emma!” “Thank you.” “Sit down.” Then Brian and Mia looked at each other and Mia nodded. “Guess what?” And we all looked at Brian waiting for what he is about to say. “Maybelline just called and he wants you for their next ad!” His voice was excited. And we shrieked in glee knowing that it was a start. Then the waiter came. “What do you guys like?” Mia looked at me as if asking me what I wanted. I just shrugged and smiled from ear to ear. “Anything!” Aunt Maisie spoke. “Tahja, choose while Brian pays, next time it’s you.” And we giggled at that. “So, what do you like mom?” “Hey, Emma, their steak is good.” “Speaking of that, I will have Porter, medium well with all the sides!” Uncle Theo started to order. “I will have that, too!” Brian gave his order, too. “I will have fillet mignon, medium-well.” “Me, too!” Aunt Maisie and Mia gave theirs. “We will have that too. But I want more salad please.” “Okay. That will be two Porterhouse, medium well, and four fillet mignon. Medium well with more salad on one order. Red wine?” “Yeah, please. Just a tiny bit. We’re driving.” “Got that!” While we wait for our orders. Uncle Theo spoke. “So far, who already called?” “The magazine just came out today and the first one to the ring was Maybelline.” “You think there will be more?” “Did you see your pictures Tahja? You’re ecstatic!” I giggled and looked at them like an excited puppy. “My smile reached my nape.” And I clapped and hugged my mom. Then our food came. Soup and salad looked so yummy. It’s like a complete meal for me. I dipped my spoon into that steaming hot creamy liquid and tasted it a little. My eyes popped as I tasted that pumpkin. And I gobbled it up together with the Ceasar salad. “Hey, are you so hungry?” “I am. I was about to eat lunch this afternoon but mom came with the magazine and my tummy forgot about food.” Then Brian’s phone rang. “Hello.” Then I assume the other person spoke. “Yeah, this is Brian.” And he was silent but with a beaming smile. “Oh, you mean Tahja Celestine?” And our attention went to him as he winks at me and my mom. “Oh yes, it’s fine. She can’t model your clothes for now because she just did some for another designer.” And he makes a thumbs up. “Sure, just email me so we can study your offer.” The steaks came sizzling as the water carefully placed them on our table. “Okay, I am guessing, makeup company?” Uncle Theo made a wild guess while he pointed his forefinger to the ceiling. Brian shook his head and made a funny face boasting of who he just spoke to. “Wrong! Okay, who’s gonna guess again.” Mia spoke while elegantly chewing on her steak. “Another magazine?” Brian kissed her on the lips. “You’re wrong, Sweetie!” Now, Aunt Maisie can’t stand the suspense. “Oh, c’mon Brian. Don't kill us in suspense.” “Just last from Tahja. Who’s your guess?” “Shoes?” “Okay. It’s D and G!” “Omg! Really?” My mom looked at Aunt Maisie with a question on her expression. “It’s Dolce and Gabbana!” And I gave a surprise face to Aunt Maisie. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped in amazement, I just can’t believe what was happening. “We need to meet a day after tomorrow to finalize which one we would get.” I just shrugged my shoulders while I gobbled my meat in awe of my surroundings. “Hey you, this is just a start.” I smiled at uncle Theo and clasped my hand in a praying gesture. “So, is lunch after tomorrow fine with you?” “Yeah, there is no school yet. Although I have a schedule for an interview tomorrow.” “What do you mean?” Mom answered “Well, Maisie, she decided to transfer and shift to modeling.” “Which school?” “Latvia.” “Really? What time, I will go with you.” “Ten in the morning.” “I will pick you up at nine-thirty.” “I am coming with you.” “All of you are coming?” “Yeah, I bet they will immediately get you in.” “We will also bring the magazine. Us plus this equals you getting in.” Brian bragged showing the magazine. And everybody laughed. After we finished the yummy meat and everything with it, the waiter came to Brian. “We prepared some desserts for you.” “We didn’t order any yet.” “It’s on the house. The owner is honored to have you all as guests.” Brian made eyes and jumped his eyebrows up and down. “Oh, please tell the owner that we appreciate it very much and thank you.” “Somebody is getting pampered.” Brian looked at me with chinky eyes. “Okay, let’s dig on this cake!” We told stories and made future plans as we finish our dinner with a delicious cake. As we did. The waiter came in again. “Sir, is it okay if we take your picture and post it with the other pictures outside with all the other celebrities we had as guests?” “Sure! Sure!” “Okay, let’s get together!” And the waiter took our picture. “Wacky now!” “One more.” And the waiter took another shot. “Thanks!” “Thank you, Sir.” Then Brian went outside to pay while we had some more light chats. “They have photos of distinguish line of guests outside. Mostly, the rich and famous.” “Are you guys ready?” “Yup, let’s go!” And we all went out. The staff bade us goodbye and hoped to see us come back. I waved my hand and smiled at them. Mom and I rode with uncle Theo and Aunt Maisie. They brought us home. “See you tomorrow!” “Thank you!” And we went inside. “Mom, I really like your beef stew and stir-fried vegetables tomorrow.” Then mom came to me with a quizzical look. “What if you all go and I will cook lunch for all of you?” “Really? Are you okay with that?” “Yeah, my way of saying my gratitude to them.” “Great, I will message them now.” “Okay. I will order what I need tonight.” “Mom....thank you!” “I love you, Natalie.” And I went to mom. “I love you, mom!” And we went to our rooms to rest. While she prepares to go to sleep, I went to browse my closet again and choose my outfit for tomorrow. I need something simple, smart, and elegant. I choose something brown to match my hazel eyes and my new hair color mocha. Sachi gave me a set of brown boho blouses and brown shorts then brown boots. Then took my bling box. ‘This necklace will fit perfectly.’ I swayed in front of the mirror with the blouse on top of my clothes. Telling myself how perfect it looks on me. I prepared myself to sleep. I need to rest early so I will look fresh in the morning. I also need to wake up early. After I cleanse my face and myself, I laid all the things I need for tomorrow's interview including those hard-to-do requirements. I lay on my bed and browsed on my social media accounts. I got some points for the school.
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